A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.
You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.
On Vista and above turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.

18 February 2025

Enable superior screenshots (more infos) without installation.
Download Portable WinSnap Multilingual Online (0.8 MB) 26/11/24
In first screen enter: 6.2.2

Extract and run WinSnapPortable.
If you don't want Screenshots in Portable folder, edit WinSnapPortable.ini.
Settings of installed WinSnap should be preserved.

13 commentaires:

shamu726 said...

Even though I checked "64 bit" during installation, only 32 bit is running. And also it's not registered; a nag screen pops up every time reminding me to register.

Bernat said...

"only 32 bit is running"
Are you sure that WinSnap.exe is running and not WinSnap64.exe on a 64 bit system?
About don't display architecture.

shamu726 said...


As u can see from the above screen grab, WinSnap.exe is running. I searched the folder and WinSnap64.exe was in "WinSnapPortable\Other\Help".

I deleted the WinSnapPortable folder and ran the installer again with same results.

shamu726 said...

Sorry here's screenshot from from task manager

Bernat said...

You are right there was an error in installer script.
WinSnap64.exe must be in WinSnapPortable\App\WinSnap
Download link updated.
Thanks for reporting.

Edu said...

Bernat, do you have a language pack for this? Pt-br

Bernat said...

English only.

Unknown said...

The menu and GUI is always in French even after you have changed to English but the next time you run it goes back to French again! Anyone knows how to permanent set it to English? Thank uou.

Bernat said...

Thanks for reporting bug.
Installer updated.

Kuldeep Singh Gurjar said...

Thanks Bro

Crockpit said...

Thanks Bernat

Gravel Guy said...

Getting error popup during installation which says:

WinSnap_5.2.9-setup.exe not found in C:\Users\Administrator and download: SendRequest Error

Bernat said...

Tested working.
Try to download WinSnap_5.2.9-setup.exe in same folder as online installer.

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