A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.
You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.
On Vista and above turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.

Full-Featured Browser without installation.
Download Portable Maxthon Online (0.8 MB) 28/03/23
In first screen enter:
On first start login as guest.
Extract and run MaxthonPortable.
Settings of installed Maxthon should be preserved.
Libellés : Internet

Cross-platform virtualization without installation.
Download Portable VirtualBox 64 bit Online (0.6 MB) 11/09/24
In first screen enter 7.1.6-167084 and 7.1.6 for Extension Pack
Download Portable VirtualBox 32-64 bit Online (0.5 MB) 09/03/17
Thanks to Dirk Gently for fixs
In first screen enter (twice if Extension Pack needed): 6.0.14-133895 or 5.1.30-118389
Extract and run VirtualBoxPortable.
Don't use if you have VirtualBox installed.
Online installer is also setup extractor if you download
VirtualBox-7.1.6-167084-Win.exe (118 MB)
and Oracle_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-7.1.6.vbox-extpack (22 MB)
in its folder.
Libellés : System

Multimedia Player without installation.
Download Portable KMPlayer 32-64 bit latest online (0.8 MB) 14/05/20
Extract and run KMPlayerPortable.
If you drag'n drop a file on (or open with) KMPlayerPortable: it will be opened in KMPlayer.
Language set by launcher according Windows localization: Albanian, Arabic, Belarusian, Bosnian, PortugueseBR, Bulgarian, TradChinese, SimpChinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian.
If you don't want, write SystemLang=false in KMPlayerPortable.ini.
Capture in portable folder. If you don't want, write PortableCapture=false in KMPlayerPortable.ini.
Settings of installed KMPlayer should be preserved.
Libellés : Media

Screen Capture without installation.
Download Portable FastStone Capture Multilingual Online (0.7 MB) 19/05/21
In first screen enter: 110
Extract and run FSCapturePortable.
Settings of installed FSCapture should be preserved.
Libellés : Graphic

Google Search with satellite imagery without installation.
Download Portable Google Earth Pro 32 bit (45 MB)
Download Portable Google Earth Pro 64 bit (52 MB)
Extract and run GoogleEarthProPortable.
Cache in temp folder deleted when leaving, if you want to keep cache in portable folder (to use offline) edit GoogleEarthProPortable.ini.
Settings of installed GoogleEarth should be preserved.
Libellés : Internet

Powerful audio player without installation.
Download Portable AIMP Latest Online (0.2 MB) 04/04/21
Download Portable AIMP 3.60.1503 (8.4 MB)
Extract and run AIMP3Portable or AIMPPortable.
Settings of installed AIMP should be preserved.
Libellés : Audio

Web-browser, advanced e-mail and newsgroup client, IRC chat client, and HTML editing without installation.
Portable SeaMonkey Multilingual MultiVersion 32-64 bit Online (0.5 MB) 17/04/21
Select language and enter Version Number: 2.53.20
Multilingual Online will download setup in selected language (Czech, German, EnglishGB, English, SpanishInternational, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, PortugueseBR, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, SimpChinese, TradChinese) and extract files.
Settings of installed SeaMonkey should be preserved.
Multi-Users: change Profile by editing SeaMonkeyPortable.ini with User=NameOfNewUser
Libellés : Internet