A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.
You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.
On Vista and above turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.

25 February 2025

Disc burning software without installation.
Download Portable BurnAware Professional 18.x Online Patch 1.16 (1.2 MB)
Download Portable BurnAware Free Online (0.3 MB) 06/07/23
In first screen enter: 18.5
Download Portable BurnAware Professional 15.0 32-64 bit (47 MB)

Extract and run BurnAwarePortable.
Edit BurnAwarePortable.ini to change Language (basque, brazilian, bulgarian, catalan, chinese_simp, chinese_trad, croatian, czech, dutch, english, french, georgian, german, greek, hebrew, hungarian, indonesian, italian, Japanese, norwegian, polish, romanian, russian, Slovak, Slovenian, spanish, Swedish, turkish, ukrainian).
Settings of installed BurnAware should be preserved.

44 commentaires:

dansx6 said...

I d'loaded and extracted this and I get a message that my subscription has expired. Is there any thing I might have done incorrectly? Thank you for all of your work!

Bernat said...

No problem for me.
Check md5 of BurnAware.exe in App\BurnAware:

dansx6 said...

Thanks Bernat...the md5 matched so I deleted everything and started over (which I had done once before) and it is working now. I am not sure what the problem was. Thanks

Unknown said...

What NSIS do you used and version? Unicode or ANSI?

Bernat said...


Unknown said...

Hi! I have this problem with the software:


Please help me to solve this problem!Thanks

Bernat said...

Update installer.

Unknown said...

When I try to use the Multiburn section, the program shows a popup windows saying "Invalid Key", then it closes

Bernat said...

You must have admin rights (icense key is in registry).

Unknown said...

I still have the problem with the popup window saying "Illegal Version" when try to use Mutiburn section. I run as Administrator, and still appears and closes the program. Thanks

Bernat said...

No problem for me opening Multiburn.
I can't do more.

aldo said...

I can´t burn disc because I get this: "Illegal Version of Burnaware".
The software opens, but it doesn´t allow burn dics.

Bernat said...

You are right.
Installer updated.

Hernán said...

Won't change language dispite the UserDefaultLang=false and the Language=english settings. Shows only portuguese, and that's not even my system language!

Hernán said...

Nevermind my previous comment, I just deleted all language files from the \App\BurnAware folder and that did the job. =)

Bernat said...

When BurnAware is closed, you should have NO .lng file in the \App\BurnAware folder (only .ini files).
When is running, only one .lng file or none for english.
If you need another language: run installer again after deleting App folder.

Demangels said...

After launched your online installer "BurnAware_Portable_8.x_Multilingual_Online.exe" I choose the Free option (I prefer to avoid the cracked professional option, the free is just good for me) and proceed until the installation is completed; when I try to run "BurnAwarePortable.exe" I receive the following error message: "Burnaware.exe was not found in \BurnawarePortable\App\Burnaware" and program don't start.
Fix it, please.

Bernat said...

Can't be fixed: BurnAware Free Inno setup is now password protected.
Only pro available.

Carlos said...

how to download free edition portable

Bernat said...

Free Online added.

Carlos said...

Thanks for posting the free version
sorry for request

colin1951uk said...


For version 10.9 I'm getting what looks like a Polish version.

My portable.ini looks like this:-


But it's not English, I think like I said it's Polish, but not sure.

Any idea what's happening please?

Bernat said...

They added Slovak and installer had to be updated.
Thanks for reporting bug.

Apometron said...

Thanks, Bernat, for this wonderful software.

I use only this for burning medias.

I quit use Nero while ago !!!! =DDDD

I need your software very much.

I am always looking what you post!!! =DDDD

Unknown said...

Hi, appreciate if someone can explain how to do this in burnware premium 11.3 : . label 'Unregistered evaluation copy' from About may be remove:
a) Edit you BurnAware's .lng file - value of parameter 'Unregistered' in section [Welcome About],eg:
[Welcome About]
Thank you...

musachris said...

Hello Bernat,
Regarding ver 12
The English in the .ini file is not working, but a Scandinavian language (I think)

Thank you for your valuable work


musachris said...

Bernat, Apologies...
I was referring to the **free* version of Burnaware 12


Bernat said...

I forgot Swedish in free: updated.

musachris said...

Perfect.. Thank you

Much appreciated


Boris A said...

I tried the pro version 12.3, but all the (sub)tools complain that they cannot see any recorders. A repack/portable from another source works fine. Windows 10 x64 latest updates. Thanks.


Bernat said...

You are right, updated with RadiXX11 1.7 patch.

4nY said...

Hello Bernat, i have same Problem as Boris A with the Versions 14.x

Please help, thx

Bernat said...

Using latest H Hayat Loader-Patch.
Try to go back to 14.7

4nY said...

No Success, Error453

Bernat said...

You are right, I just tested About.
Pro removed.

Sensei Fritz said...

Patch fails. No matter if i start it as administrator or not. I followed the instructions but i always get this error message: "Selected folder is not valid"... but it IS the correct folder! It IS the folder where Burnaware is unpacked.

Bernat said...

"but it IS the correct folder! It IS the folder where Burnaware is unpacked."
Of course no.
Read instructions: Uncheck Detect Install before reporting.

Sensei Fritz said...

@Bernat: That's the point/problem.... I DID!!! (1) As i said i READ and followed the instructions. (2) I UNCHECKED "detect install" AND i unchecked "backup files" but anyway the patch opens a window with the path of the installation. When i click "okay" it fails, when i click "cancel" then i cancel the patching. I even made an update of the patch to version 1.3.... didn't help. I tried it several times.... everything is definitely unchecked but the patch ALWAYS opens the window with the installation path.

Bernat said...

The portable installer extract program files and Patch in \BurnAwarePortable\App\BurnAware64 and run the patch from this folder.
If Detect Install is unchecked, the patch search files in its folder.
Tested working with BA 16.2, 16.3, 16.4 and 16.5
Perhaps you have problematic characters in your path (recommended is a PortableApps folder at the root of your drive)

Sensei Fritz said...

Dear Bernat, thanks for your help. Now it works perfectly. What happened and what i did: I deleted everything old and made a new installation on the desktop. Patch didn't appear, but i have the newest version on my drive. Didn't work. Then i installed it into a folder directly on C-drive. After that i copied the patch into the folder you told me ("\BurnAwarePortable\App\BurnAware64") and started it (again with everythin unchecked) from there. This time it worked! No window with installation path. So you were right with the installation path..... maybe a too long path and/or problematic characters.... and the patch now in the right folder. Anyway.... it works... thanks! ;-)

Mahesh said...

i have Norton,it does not let me install the the patch

Bernat said...

Disable Norton.

Bahga said...

The Patch is not being run.

Bernat said...

Tested working: problem on your side.

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