File manager for Windows without installation.
Download Portable TotalCommander 11.51 32-64 bit Online (0.8 MB)
Extract and run TotalCommanderPortable.
Your wincmd.key will be used if found in Data\TotalCommander.
Language set by launcher according UserDefaultLang (if you don't want: write UserDefaultLang=false in TotalCommanderPortable.ini): English, SimpChinese, Czech, Danish, German, Dutch, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Ukrainian.
Settings of installed TotalCommander should be preserved.
If you need to run several instances change AllowMultipleInstances from false to true in TotalCommanderPortable.ini.
If you have Notepad++Portable or UltraEditPortable in the same foder as TotalCommanderPortable you can choose one of them as default editor (F4) by changing one (not two) false to true in TotalCommanderPortable.ini.
39 commentaires:
How do I add notepad++portable as the default editor to Total Commander Portable?
It doesn't work adding it to TotalCommanderPortable.ini.
If you write in
You should have after launching in
Of course don't change name of folders.
I already did that, but where do I install/copy the Notepad++ files from the Notepadpp_Portable_6.x_Multilingual_Online.exe? What path should I specify? I need to copy notepad++ somewhere.
Just install both in default folder:
Your solution is to write a few lines in total Commander.ini. So easy copy and paste .....
But de botom right is disable. Fantastic.
Your web is de only one with this particularity on the world. Yeah
When i run setup extractor and enter 801x32_64 it says that tcm801x32_64.exe is not found, even so i have downloaded the file in the same folder.
You have to click on "64-bit+32-bit combined" and you should download tcm801x32_64.exe.
Thanks, i got it.
Do i need to keep the file tcm801x32_64.exe after i download Total Commander?
You can delete when files are extracted.
Your wincmd.key will be used if found in Data\TotalCommander.
For me it is not used and when i close totalcmd it is deleted.
I change the TotalCommanderPortable.ini value PersonalKey=true and i have the same issue
Tested working.
When TC is closed copy you key:
Delete line
in TotalCommanderPortable.ini
run TotalCommanderPortable.exe
Thanks this is the good solution
something is wrong cu final TotalCommanderPortable.exe. it doesn't allow multiple instances. latest working executable was 65.7k size.
You are right.
Replace TotalCommanderPortable.exe (and delete ${APPDIR64} folder).
Will be updated in 9.0a final.
I have problem with Total Commander, original totalcmd64.exe executes commands (/O /T /R=), but TotalCommanderPortable.exe don`t allow any commands. Any solutions ?
Replace TotalCommanderPortable.exe with fixed launcher to pass parameters (exept /i and /F).
/O and /N not tested and should be necessary to write AllowMultipleInstances=true in TotalCommanderPortable.ini
Bernat thanks a lot!!! It`s working now! Thanks for all of you doing!
Total Commander 9.10ß1 -> doesn't work. when I enter on 1st screen "tc910x32_64_b1.exe" it says "file not found (404)". manually download "tc910x32_64_b1.exe" in same dir as installer gives the same error.
Thanks for reporting bug.
You have to enter tc910x32_64_b1 (without .exe)
install with 64b option checked
don't start at 32bit win7, but work on 64bit win7 and 8
and regkey is blocked
Tested working and registered 32 and 64 bit.
Problem should be your anti-virus : check if
are in App\TotalCommander
i dont have anti-virus.
all file are in folder.
i install both 32 and 64 (with checked 64bit)
when i try start tc on pc with win 7 32bit - nothing happens
when start tc on pc with win 7 64bit - tc work good
if i dont check 64bit install option - tc work on win 7 32 bit
and about regkey - with new version i have "please select 1|2|3" window at start
Beta is registered with one of the several kind of unblacklister (depending of version of windows).
Windows XP 32 bit: registered
Windows 7 64 bit: unregistered but registered with Force32=true in TotalCommanderPortable.ini
Windows 10 64 bit: registered in both case.
You should not have problem with 9.0a (valid key) and wait 9.10 final (if a valid key comes out)
You can also search on the web unblacklister or patches, delete the 3 added files and test what is good for you.
When I choose French language and save configuration, it's always in English when I start TC. What's strange is that it's ok in the .ini file... Any solution?
Change to UserDefaultLang=false in TotalCommanderPortable.ini
I use "TotalCommander_Portable_9.12_x32_64"
and the 32bits version is not registered !
Is there something to do ?
Check if you have wincmd.keyd in Data\TotalCommander when TotalCommander Portable is running.
that's it ! i haven't this file "wincmd.keyd" when i run the x32 version
but i have it with the x64 one
how can i do then ? just copy it ?
thx for return
Yes this will work: backup wincmd.key from Data\TotalCommander when x64 is running, copy this key in Data\TotalCommander when closed and run x32.
it's ok now
i understood how it works !
thanks for your stuff
have a good day
Can I remove my name appeared in the main title in the front of the title "Total Commander 9.x".
I have a wincmd.key so my name is appeared at the end of the title "Total Commander 9.x" as well.
It looks messy.
Thank you in advance.
you cannot hide the licence name
Each time start ask me to press 1,2,3, why?
No problem with 9.51 RC5
Hi Bernat,
Any news about the final version 11.02?
If you have a valid key, thanks in advance.
Hi Bernat,
I only have this:
Артур Пирожков
264795 Новочепецк (RU)
#283766 Unlimited user licence
It's enough to generate a valid key?
No, if you have read this in the About of an unpatched Total Commander you should found a 1024 bytes file wincmd.key.
You can test in this portable as explained above: "Your wincmd.key will be used if found in Data\TotalCommander"
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