A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.
You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.
On Vista and above turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.

13 March 2025

Multimedia Player (KMPlayer Reloaded) without installation.

Download Portable PotPlayer Online (0.8 MB) 02/11/23
Online installer is also setup extractor if found PotPlayerSetup.exe, PotPlayerSetup64.exe, OpenCodecSetup.exe, OpenCodecSetup64.exe in its folder.

Extract and run PotPlayerPortable.
Settings of installed PotPlayer should be preserved.

89 commentaires:

jooseng said...

download of potplayer setup file is not allowed anymore.

Bernat said...

For me these 2 links are good:

jooseng said...

I means your PortableApp installer can not download the required setup file.

jooseng said...

I get access forbidden message.

jooseng said...

I found the reason, is blocked by my antivirus program. When I turned it off, it is ok now.

Rehmat Alam said...

My antivirus blocks it. If I allow it, will it harm my pc?

Bernat said...

What antivirus?
What file?

Μάριος Κορδέλλας said...

cant associate

Bernat said...

Not to be done with a portable app.

beever said...

the installer won't find URL

this is the REAL Official realease URLs


Bernat said...

Working for me with 1.5.34321

colin1951uk said...

How do you get the 64bit version to launch please?

I downloaded both 32 & 64bit versions but the PotPlayerPortable.exe always launches 32bit.

Do I have to rename some files maybe?


Bernat said...

Nothing to rename.

You must of course run on a 64 bit system.

Check if you have PotPlayer64.exe in App\PotPlayer

colin1951uk said...

Hi Bernat,

Indeed I have 64bit Windows 7..but I seem to have fixed it.

I originaly installed PotPlayerPortable in %program files (x86)% and it kept running the 32bit version.

But then I thought the normal place for 64bit stuff is %program files%% so I moved PotPlayerPortable into there and now it's running the 64bit version!

I think I'll need to stop drinking..lol.

Anyway thanks for all the effort you put into your releases..you do some great stuff and it's much appreciated.


makjang said...

How do ko

Bernat said...

Can't be done.
Run this ko installer: Download Portable PotPlayer Ko Online (0.6 MB)

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for ALL your PortableAppZ Bernat! Keep up this excellent work!
English Official and
Korean Official
Download links are valid so your previous ENGLISH ONLINE installer:
"PotPlayer_Portable_1.x.x_32-64-bit_En_Online.exe" is working fine again.

Южное Тушино said...


I'm trying to install the PotPlayer, I entered 1.5.40688 as a version number, but then I'm getting the following error:

Download of PotPlayerSetup.exe: File not found (404)

What can I do with that?


Bernat said...

You are right, they changed net in com in download link.
Installer updated but recommended to use it as setup extractor.

Hungryman said...


After installing the latest version (1.6.47995), I tried watching
some movies but receive this error message :

"AAC" Audio decoder is required to play the file.

Video still plays but no audio.
Previous versions I downloaded was

Please help

Bernat said...

Tested avi mkv and ts on Windows 8 without problem.

Unknown said...

@Hungryman Cheong
I also had no audio in recent versions. Look for file "FFmpegMininum.dll" in an older version of Potplayer and copy it into folder "PotPlayerPortable\App\PotPlayer\Module\FFmpeg".
I used it from verson 1-5-45955. Now life is good.

jooseng said...

FFmpeg*.dll can be get from here:
http://get.daum.net/PotPlayer/Codec/OpenCodecSetup.exe (32 bit)
http://get.daum.net/PotPlayer/Codec/OpenCodecSetup64.exe 64 bit)

extract with 7zip

Bernat said...

Thanks for links.
Installer updated.

jooseng said...

should be deleted.

Bernat said...

Of course.
RMDir "/r" "$INSTDIR\App\${APP}\Module\Libav\$$PLUGINSDIR"
after line 155 of installer.

Unknown said...

The last 2 versions have not worked with WinXP 32 SP3.
Issue I get is.. Error:Cannot
find or init PotPlayer.dll.
Any ideas anyone?


Bernat said...

You are right.
Installer fixed for XP.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the come back but still will not work? very strange even downloaded from Daum both will not work and will not open. what the hell am I missing? been using this program for years.

Bernat said...

Tested working on Windows XP SP3 32 bit.

72259c12eb9ad5948991c3908159642d *PotPlayer_Portable_1.6.x_32-64-bit_Multilingual_Online.exe

Unknown said...

Bernat’s new installer fixed my problem(s). The Video Renderer also needed changed to
‘VMR 7 Renderless’ but doesn’t sound like that’s your problem.

Unknown said...

Its does not working in my XP sp3

how to fix it, plz ???

Bernat said...

Nothing to fix: tested working on a just installed Windows XP SP3 32 bit (screenshot above).

Unknown said...

Like Le Thanh says it just will not work nor will the downloaded version off Daum's site..........So what am I missing? Tried to join their forum but am unable to because other people on reading are having the same problem? very strange. Anyway many thanks for help so far ;-)

Unknown said...

Dear Bernat!

I have downloaded and tried again and it worked fine on my XP sp3 32bit
Thank you very much for your support!

Unknown said...

Hi Bernat.
Just to conclude my ramble on this subject and maybe help others. I have another WinXP SP3 machine and it works OK on that. The difference being other machine has Net framework 4.0 and this machine does not?

colin1951uk said...

I notice that PotPlayer now writes a registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Daum\PotPlayer which I can't say I've noticed before.

Just recently I continually get a request pop up to update to the latest beta whenever I start PotPlayer despite the fact that Updates are switched off in the preferences.

Any ideas if this registry key might be be causing this update request as if I delete the key it just gets rewritten every time Potlayer is run.


Bernat said...

You are right for the key: fixed launcher.
Therefore I never had a request pop up to update the latest beta.

Try first to reset settings by renaming Data in DataBak.
If it doesn't solve try a new install in PotPlayerPortableTest (for instance).

Bernat said...

I had also the problem of auto-update.
Reading this forum I found a solution : run installer again to get the latest build (14 september).

PotPlayer bug is to delete CheckAutoUpdate=0 in [Settings] in Data\PotPlayer\PotPlayer.ini

colin1951uk said...

Can confirm the new launcher fixes the key problem.

In the end I did a new install of version 1.6.56209 as I couldn't stop the update screen from popping up no matter what tried.

Everything now seems to be working fine so I hope it stays that way.

Thanks for the help.

Little Boy said...

Hello there Mr.Bernat,
I have a question...do i have to download opencodec every single time I update potplayer?

Bernat said...

No OpenCodec files date: 2016-04-28

Peace said...

PotPlayerPortable.exe can't open multiple instances.
PotPlayerPortable\App\PotPlayer\PotPlayer64.exe can open multiple instances.

Windows 10 Pro x64
PotPlayer(64-bit) Version:1.7.1915



Bernat said...

I think it is not possible to run several instance of a player.
What is the interest to watch several movies at the same time?

Peace said...

Watch streams at same time.
With the PotPlayer (64-bit) version: 1.6.62949 I can open multiple instances.

Bernat said...

If it was with 1.6.62949 portable of this blog it should be a limitation of 1.7.x

Unknown said...

Hello Bernat ! Is the site http://www.portableappz.ru/appz/ is related to you in what way? Whether your software is distributed there by you or they do it alone. Thank you in advance for your response.

Bernat said...

No, I didn't know this site.
They take also my pseudo (with an ugly avatar).

Unknown said...

Thanks for your reply. ;)

Jaghour said...


PotPlayer.dll is modified or hacked..

Bernat said...

No error for me.

sepa said...

The speed of download is very low,I can't download this app only,the message appears says (transfer error),It does with PotPlayer only

Bernat said...

Online installer is also setup extractor if found PotPlayerSetup.exe,
OpenCodecSetup64.exe in its folder.

sepa said...

Thank you

Lucius said...

Online installer don’t work when find potplayersetup64.exe if is offline....
Please check and try....

Bernat said...

Tested working with PotPlayerSetup.exe and PotPlayerSetup64.exe in its folder.

Lucius said...

This is very strange... but opencodecsetup64.exe is required to installer? Now i re-try ...

Lucius said...

Ahhhhh.... AND... i I’ve download only potplayersetup64.exe. Now I’ve understand!
Tanks for your support!

Bernat said...

You need only what you check but 32 bit setup can't be unchecked.

Lucius said...

Please re-build your installer for only potplayer.exe or potplayer64.exe, not AND!
Otherwise you are forced to download 2 .exe... if download only potplayer64.exe and install only this work correctly...
Why your setup required 32 AND 64 .exe??

Bernat said...

Because many files are common to 32 and 64 bit and present only once in same folder.
Sources in Other: you are free to edit and compile.

Lucius said...

Ok tanxs for your reply!

Unknown said...

Hi Bernat,
Why drag and drop don't work?

Bernat said...

Drag and drop tested working.

Sephiroth said...

there are two files at "App\PotPlayer\$0", did it a temporary folder?

Bernat said...

Yes, this is a temp folder of the NSIS setup that you can delete.

Epitaph said...

PotPlayerMini.ini is stored on C:\Users\AppData. This should be stored in the portable folder.

Bernat said...

1 C:\Users\AppData don't exist on Windows 10
2 PotPlayerMini.ini can't be created by this portable because PotPlayerMini.exe don't exist.

Epitaph said...

My bad, PotPlayer.ini. Windows 7. I had my settings from another version and pasted on PotPlayerPortable\Data\PotPlayer\PotPlayer.ini. Maybe I did something wrong. Thanks!

bobo said...

Wrong version.It is 1.7.18344 version not 1.7.18346. Update please, thanks

Bernat said...

You should have updated on april 19

Unknown said...

Thomas K: The PotPlayerPortable.exe file is not digitally signed, that is why windows 10 forces it to run as Admin Priviledge (You cannot run it normal - you will see the small shield on your icon and windows asking if you want to allow - even if you disable UAE it will run Admin by default). Running the two programs i.e the main ./app/PotPlayer/PotPlayer64.exe and the PotPlayerPortable.exe with DIFFERENT priviledge level makes Drag&Drop fail (Known EFFECT in Windows 10 - Seach online). You can check by trying to run the PotPlayer64.exe ONLY directly in its folder... you will find that the drag&drop works fine, then! This does not happen with the portable version of portableapps.com (but it runs by default 32bit or mini version .... you could maybe change the ini file...)

Kuldeep Singh Gurjar said...

In Latest Update Pot Player Stopped Playing HEVC H265 Encoded Video Files.
For Such Files Pot Player Suggesting Me To Install A Codec To Play These Files.
But I Didn't Know How To Install And Where to install This Codec in Portable Pot Player.
If You Didn't Have Any HEVC Video File Then Here is a Sample File.

Please Guide Me For Install Codec

Bernat said...

I know this bug and hope it will be fixed with update.
You nead to check Open Codec (for your architecture) in online installer.
In Preferences/Filter Control/Video Decoder click the browse button in line H.265
Select FFmpegxx.dll in H.265/HEVC

Kuldeep Singh Gurjar said...

Thanks Sir

Gioantonnello said...


adolfo fereira said...

Kind regards from Venezuela. I know that your job is to make an application portable. The little big problem with this application is that it gets out of sync when playing videos in mkv format, both in the audio and in the subtitles. It's a real shame, since it's a great app. Again, I know that is none of your business. I just wanted to inform you. Thanks.

Bernat said...

No problem for me reading mkv (I download only mkv and use always PotPlayer).

adolfo fereira said...

I propose something to you, Bernat (I hope you have the time): play any video in mkv format (preferably with subtitles); place it in full screen ("ENTER"); leave it for a few minutes; now get out of full screen mode ("ESC"). This is where the disaster begins. Have the best day possible.

Bernat said...

This is what I do every day during hours and no problem for me.

Baseman said...

You nead to check Open Codec (for your architecture) in online installer.
In Preferences/Filter Control/Video Decoder click the browse button in line H.265
Select FFmpegxx.dll in H.265/HEVC

This was the last version PotPlayer 210428(1.7.21486) that the codec showed up for me to select..and yes, I installed Open Codec..any ideas ??????????????

Bernat said...

You are right, seems to be a bug of the program: no more recognize FFmpeg.dll.

NemoiKiller said...

Folder "PotPlayer64" situated in C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\ not portables.
Fix please

Bernat said...

No such folder for me: nothing to fix.

NemoiKiller said...

Watch the video

Bernat said...

I can't solve a problem I can't reproduce.

aarv said...

Open Codec download link is changed, old link is obsoleted, please update in downloader.

aarv said...

Update Open Codec link have a V2 version

Bernat said...


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