A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.
You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.
On Vista and above turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.
19 commentaires:
There is an error in the download link.
Should be http://... not hhttp://....
Sorry, i'm not speak english.
URL Confirm plz.
first 'h' is twice.
Thanks, fixed.
I had this error on first run on x64.
Just close and restart.
The language settings are not working for me. I tried with hu and also with sk. No success. all the time is starting English.
I changed the INI file, but not success.
In the Edit/preferencies - interfaces there are only system language and English (en_US).
You are right: I have to fix it.
To set to hungarian, open
with a text editor (Notepad)
(language "en_US")
(language "hu")
How to install the PHOTOSHOP LAYOUT FEATURE in it?
I don't know.
I have installed SP 4, maybe that's why I get immediately the program Hungarian, without having to set anything.
I am particularly pleased that the effects are also installed. No other portable version provides.
Many Thanks!
Now, it works much more quickly than the original! Have a many thanks!
windows 8.1 GIMP crashes the twain.exe plugin. Any ideas guys?
Try to replace launcher GIMPPortable.exe.
DEL key fixed the problem for now. :)
Yours is the best version! Perhaps it would be better to give the source the different brushes to make them more transparent (Thanks!)
Sorry, I don't know.
Sorry Bernat, version 2.8.20 is ok but Python plug-ins not working .... any idea ? Many thanks. Ciao
Normal: PostScript and Phyton removed to reduce size.
I was having issues instaling plug-ins so I moved the folder plug-ins from GIMPPortable\Data\gegl-0.2 to GIMPPortable\Data\GIMP and that fixed it
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