A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.
You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.
On Vista and above turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.

25 March 2025

Fast and free Web browser without installation.

Download Portable Opera 32-64 bit Online (0.5 MB) 14/08/17
In first screen enter: 117.0.5408.154 or 58.0.3135.132

Download Portable Opera Beta 32-64 bit Online (0.5 MB) 21/12/16
In first screen enter: 118.0.5461.14

Download Portable Opera Developer 32-64 bit Online (0.5 MB) 14/05/16
In first screen enter: 119.0.5481.0

Download Portable Opera GX 32-64 bit Online (0.5 MB) 11/01/20
In first screen enter: 117.0.5408.140

Download Portable Opera Crypto 64 bit Online (0.5 MB) 09/11/22
In first screen enter: 108.0.5067.28

For XP or Vista Download Portable Opera XP Vista Online (0.5 MB) 22/08/16
In first screen enter: 36.0.2130.80

Download Portable Opera 12 32-64 bit Online (0.5 MB) 25/10/13
In first screen enter: 1218

Download Portable Opera Neon Online (0.5 MB) 28/02/18

Download Portable Opera Mail Online (0.5 MB) 02/07/13
In first screen enter: 1.0-1044

OperaPassView Recover the passwords stored in Opera 12 Web browser.
Download Portable OperaPassView latest Online (0.5 MB) 13/07/13

Extract and run OperaChromePortable or OperaBetaPortable or OperaDeveloperPortable or OperaCryptoDeveloperPortable or OperaGXPortable or OperaPortable or OperaNeonPortable (each have their own profile) or OperaMailPortable.

68 commentaires:

@L59 said...

merci pour la mise a jour

Quartz said...

Can't download Opera Next for x86, because there's no "OperaNextSetupi386.exe" on Opera's server. The same thing with x64 version. Please do smth with it

Bernat said...

You are right: this version is no more available.

Max said...

how to install flash plugin for opera

Bernat said...

Just run Flash Plugin Installer.

Vinyl Room said...

I tried and have installed Opera Portable for 32bit, bit when I go to run Opera after installing it I get the following error message.

Failed to load Opera.DLL because a device attached to the system is not functioning.

Is there anyway round this?

Bernat said...

Problem in your system I can't solve.

Ray said...

Can you check if your launcher works correctly with the newest version of Opera Next?

Opera Next now uses Chromium's engine, so there might be some registry additions.

Also, if you could do a portable version for the recently-seperated Opera Mail as well, that would be great.

Full details can be found here:


Bernat said...

I tested Opera Next (15) and I will not spend time on it if they don't change (read comments in your link).

Can't be correctly portabilized: missing switch to set profile directory and custom settings to set Plugin Path.

Better to use directly Chrome.

Recetas Argentinas said...

Hi, I was using some versions of your portable Opera NEXT, but, with last two builds, in my PC, the Avast virus tool do not let me download installer, give me a RED window and says there is problems with the file. Any sugestion ? so I can use again new Opera Next bulds.

Thnanks for your work and time porting this software.


Bernat said...

The 4 Online Installers in one 7z archive (1.6 MB).

Unknown said...

windows64,setup Portable Opera12 32&64,run the "OperaPortable.exe" open the 64bit Opera , how do i open the the 32bit Opera, just open "\OperaPortable\App\Opera\opera.exe" ?This approach is portable?

Bernat said...

If you run directly main exe it will not be portable.
To force 32 bit on a 64 bit system you have to rename Opera_64 (in Opera_64_bak) and run OperaPortable.exe

dim said...

just a general question
is there a way to prevent a portable app from reading the registry ?
not writing, just reading certain registry values
or make it read an isoalted registry or something.

Opera reads its fonts color settings form the windows OS
and because i don't use the default ones that mess up things in Opera's UI

Bernat said...

This is possible with a custom launcher witch backup-restore the registry key so Opera see an empty key.

xoihifi said...

1. Download of OperaSetupi386.exe: SendRequest Error
2. Download of OperaSetupx64.exe: SendRequest Error

What's the problem?

Is it possible to make the designer on the basis of the existing installation files Opera 12.16 for x86 and x64?

Bernat said...

Online installer updated for 12.16

velcro_desole said...

impossible d'importer les signets dans en utilisant ''plus d'outils''.Aurais-tu une autre solution,

Bernat said...

Si tu souhaites importer le signets de Opera 12 tu dois auparavant lancer Opera 18 avec la ligne de commande :
OperaChromePortable.exe --presto-small-prefs-dir="X:\PortableApps\OperaPortable\Data\Opera\profile"
(par exemple dans la barre du bas de Total Commander depuis le répertoire X:\PortableApps\OperaPortable\ en adaptant X).
Plus d'outils/Importer les signets ne sera plus en gris.

Un conseil reste avec la 12.16

velcro_desole said...

Merci Bernat,
C'est très apprécié.

Alexandra said...

i can't download launcher "Download Portable Opera 12 32-64 bit Online" on RS because file not found
please you can help me dear Bernat?
tnks in advance

Bernat said...

You are right.
Link updated.

colin1951uk said...


Opera 12.17 has appeared on the ftp site unannounced but I can't get the installer to find it.

Can the installer be fixed to work with this latest release please?


Bernat said...

Nothing to fix.
Enter 1217 and you will get 12.17.1863 32-64 bit

colin1951uk said...

Whoops...I was entering 12.17 so no wonder it wasn't working...sorry and thanks for the quick response.

Jay S. said...

I like opera portable apps so much. But I'm having a small problem in using any of these versions. When I exit OperaPortable, it deletes the registry entry of the flash plugin for Mozilla Firefox. So firefox is always asking to install the flash player.

Bernat said...

Use FirefoxPortable or don't use Firefox installed when OperaChromePortable is running.

Bernat said...

Edit OperaChromePortable.ini with:
AdditionalParameters= --private

Hdi said...

Hi Bernat
Please upload or give offline setup link for Online extractors
I couldn't find any OperaChromeSetup.exe for v25


Bernat said...

If you can download Opera_25.0.1614.68_Setup.exe online installer will download same setup if you enter 25.0.1614.68

Hdi said...

Seems that online extractor doesn't check current directory for setup file and downloads the setup! can you check

Bernat said...

Online installer is not setup extractor and don't need to be.
This can be done but I have no time to spend to modify script for useless option.
Source in Other, and you can modify as you want.

erico88 said...

Salut Bernat et merci encore pour ton travail. J'ai regardé ce comparatif


le score final semble bas pour Opéra

erico88 said...

encore un peu d'info


Barruel said...

Bernat, the link for Opera 1218 is dead. Would you update it please? Thank you, take care. Charles.

Bernat said...


Unknown said...

Hi Bernat and thanks; I'd like to install flash plugin in opera but the installer doesn't have the path (eg App/OperaChrome). Could you suggest me the path to install flash. Thankyou very much.
Best Regards.

Bernat said...

Flash plugins are used by several browsers.
The best is to create a PortableApps folder at the root of your drive and don't change default paths of installers.

Result is:

For personal path:
you have to choose MyPath folder with Browse button of Flash installer and CommonFiles\Plugins path will be created.

Marcelo.ar said...

Opera 37 drops support for windows xp / vista:
"It has been announced on Chrome Blog that Windows XP and Vista support is ending including security fixes. We do care for our loyal users, which you could recently observe with 12.18 security update. While Opera 36 will be last one with features additions on Windows XP and Vista, we are still going to provide security and crash fixes to XP and Vista platform. You will no not be able to run Opera 37+ on Windows XP and Vista, we advise you update to more recent OS, if possible. Otherwise, we will have Opera 36 for you"

It would be good to add this Portable Opera 36 for XP/Vista:

Bernat said...

36.0.2130.75 added and tested working on XP SP3.

Marcelo.ar said...


Marcelo.ar said...

Opera for Win XP and Vista updated to 36.0.2130.80 on 09-Aug-2016:

Bernat said...

Updated. Thanks.

Unknown said...

buenas, el link de Mediafire para descargar la verson 39.0.2256.71 de opera esta caido, podrias subirlo de vuelta?

Bernat said...


Vinyl Room said...

Any updates for Opera 12.02?

Bernat said...

Latest is 12.18.

Vinyl Room said...

Yeah, but I'm stuck with 12.02 as 12.18 don't work on my OS.

Bernat said...

If you enter 1202 in online installer, you will get 12.02.1578
Next are 1210, 1211... 1218

mediocrenoob said...

Found keys leftover in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Opera Software

Bernat said...


Unknown said...

How to change the CACHE and CACHE 4 routes to another disk that is not SSD?

Bernat said...

Edit OperaChromePortable.ini:

TempCache=true (default)
Cache set in C:\Users\?\AppData\Local\Temp\OperaChromePortable

Cache set in X:\PortableApps\OperaPortable\Data

Overwritten by :
AdditionalParameters=--disk-cache-dir="path of your choice"

Check result in About Opera

Compstuff said...

Sync doesn't seem to work

Bernat said...

I don't know what is Sync.

BYEDUS said...

How to move the cache of opera 12
Cache Directory4=
Operator Cache Directory4=


Bernat said...

Replace OperaPortable.exe
Edit OperaPortable.ini with TempCache=false
Edit Data\Opera\profile\operaprefs.ini

Portable Tools said...

It's possible run the online installer for the last version over an old portable build?
- update from inside program do not works (probably because it's portable)
- there is a page for Windows patch at: http://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/desktop/60.0.3255.83/win/patch/
but I do not know how it's works.

Bernat said...

Yes, if you run online installer it will update old portable.

Superapgomb said...

The best portable-apps site in the world! Thank you for your longtime, dedicated work!

Jan Grozov said...

Hi Bernat,
Just a quick word today to thank you for all the amazing work you did since your started PortableAppz. I'm probably following you from the start and I'm sure I didn't thank you enough for always supporting new software, keeping them updated all along and quicker than any other team, all this for free... Great work, thank you for everything.
Best Wishes from Yan

Alexandra said...

hi Bernat excuse me, the update to version 68.0.3618.150 of Opera GX do not works, i revise latest update on the forum Opera and is 68.0.3618.142.
You can see this?
tnks a lot

Bernat said...

You are right: installer updated.
They removed win/ in download link.
You can download desired setup and run online installer in same folder: it will run as setup extractor.

Ming said...

Update does not work. Probably the same issue as previously reported with the download link being removed. Thanks!

Bernat said...

72.0.3815.186 tested working.

sajtjani said...

Hi my friends!
If the new OPERA intro bothers you. Delete:
drive:\OperaPortable\App\OperaChrome64\ path, file opera_gx_splash.exe After every update!

MATOZ said...

Always an excellent program Bernat as all of your portables apps.
Wondering, what kind of software you use to pack apps; inno setup or any others, (which)?

Bernat said...

Installers and launchers are compiled with NSIS.

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