A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.
You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.
On Vista and above turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.

21 March 2025

Google Internet browser without installation.
Download Portable Chrome 32-64 bit MultiVersion Online (0.6 MB) 17/01/23
For XP/Vista: Download Portable Chrome 49.0.2623.112 32 bit Online (0.5 MB)

Open-source browser without installation.
Download Portable Chromium latest 64 bit Online (0.8 MB) 18/01/23

SRWare Iron 133.0.6750.0 is based on the Chromium-source and offers the same features as Chrome but without the critical points that the privacy concern.
Download Portable SRWare Iron 32-64 bit Multiversion Online (0.4 MB) 22/05/21

Extract and run ChromePortable or ChromiumPortable or IronPortable.
If you want to add parameters, start in incognito mode, not set cache in temp, not delete cache or allow multiple instances: edit *Portable.ini.
Settings of installed Chrome, Chromium or Iron should be preserved.

193 commentaires:

pureocean said...


As you can see, Google changed Omaha installer system.

Therefore clients2.google.com/service/... URLs can't redirect last version. (Only working for canary version)

I'm still very trying to find new URL pattern.
As soon as I detected it, I will write to here.

Best Regards.

pureocean said...


I was write a comment with my other account (ilkertezcan):

So, new links (no redirecting): http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=qFvCpvWd

Unfortunately I'd very trying, many resources reading, testings. But whatever I can't resolve redirecting. :(

I hope, it's possible specific string reading from XML in NSIS.

Need reading "codebase" string in the XML URL.

Bernat said...

Many thanks for links!
Installer updated with sources.

pureocean said...

Wow Bernat! Again you've succeeded!

You're welcome. I enjoyed helping you. And this new installer will be useful for all. Very thanks.

Greetings from istanbul.

Alessandro Tristan said...

Merci, Bernat!

I use your Java, Flash, and Chrome; so I put Iron into \IronPortable.

I put flash into:

But it can't use Java like Chrome. In version 30 (from your site) I can put java into:
and the msvcrt100.dll into:

And it works on Java test page, but not with 31. Any idea?


Bernat said...

No reason to change default folder name: ChromePortable.

Java works without msvcrt100.dll but with paths:


Jalbot said...

Hola, (Portable Iron) no puedo reproducir nada me solicita el complemento de Adobe Flash Player y ya lo tengo instalado, como se podria solucionar eso, gracias.

Bernat said...

Install Iron in default folder (X:\PortableApps\ChromePortable\) and install Flash Plugin in default folder (X:\PortableApps\)

Jalbot said...

(Iron Portable) Gracias de todas formas pero no puedo instalar me dice que no esta instalado no esta muy claro las carpetas el orden, gracias igual.

Bernat said...

Check if you have:

Jalbot said...

OK funciono, muchas gracias Bernat, muy amable como siempre respondiendo nuestras dudas y preguntas. Gracias.

Alessandro Tristan said...

Hi Bernat, can we just download the srware_iron/chrome directly and then use your installer to create the portable like it used to be?

Downloading from your installer is just way to slow from Indonesia. Just so you know.


Bernat said...

Yet done.
Just run installer in same folder as srware_iron.exe.

Marcelo.ar said...

This Portable SRWare Iron 33.0.1800.0 (and previous 32.0.1750.1 version) creates and leaves two registry keys behind after first run:

Keys added:2

Bernat said...


Marcelo.ar said...


Bernat said...

Problem with your Windows localization.

Try english installer (multilingual program).

zdenek.spamana said...

Thanks. This one is ok.
Strange thing with this Windows localization - all other installers form this site works fine. My windows is in Polish language.

Bernat said...

Polish was missing and Arabic in first line in place of English.

Installer updated.

zdenek.spamana said...

Thanks for your work. Love your site!

billng said...


Would you please consider to make the 64-bit Chrome into portable version?


Thanks for your work.

Bernat said...

Offline installer link needed.
I hope pureocean will found it.

Unknown said...

Hey i want to use chrome on my ramdisk partition, i don't want to save cache on %temp%. How to do this?

Bernat said...

Edit ChromePortable.ini with:

Unknown said...

When I set Google chrome portable as default browser, following link is used to use as default brower.

D:\PortableApps\ChromePortable\App\Chrome\chrome.exe --profile-directory=Default


It's very curious why this happens, and it's more work for me because I have to set up my bookmarks and extensions, as well as some other customized options.

Is there any way to resolve this?

Bernat said...

Don't set Chrome itself to be default browser otherwise launcher is no more used and it is no more portable.

Try to link to launcher ChromePortable.exe by editing link with:


Unknown said...

I am using portable chrome as well as many other portable apps on my desktop instead of standard installation apps.

it's just better that way.
it's lighter, faster,
and everytime I format the computer,
portable apps are still there.
it saves a lot of time.

Unknown said...

I have downloaded Chromium Portable 64 bit (0.6MB) but where am I supposed to install it please?

Unknown said...

The Chromium link is not working for me. I can download the file but when I try to start the installation, I get a 404 error (file not found).

64 bit versions of Chrome have moved from the Dev and Canary channels to Beta. It would be great if we could get links to 64 bit versions of Chrome. Probably won't be too long before the 64 bit release version is available.

Thank you!

Bernat said...

No problem with Chromium.

Unknown said...

I'm none the wiser after reading Support.When I browse to & try to install Chromium Portable in chrome-win32 folder I get the following message.
Am I supposed to create subfolders & or something else?

Bernat said...

This is not a problem of folder but download links of installers are no more available.


Bernat said...

Chromium online installer working again.
Actual version is 38.0.2106.0 (285808)

Unknown said...

The 32 bit version of Chromium works but not the 64 bit version. Checking the 64 bit box and trying to install results in a 404 file not found error.

So, only the 32 bit Chromium online installer is working.

Thank you!

Bernat said...

64 bit online also is working.

Unknown said...

Okay, thank you! I tried again and 64 bit online worked but only with 32 bit also checked.

When I unchecked 32 bit, leaving only 64 bit checked, I got the 404 error every time.

I guess the installer doesn't work unless both 32 and 64 bit boxes are checked. No big deal.

Bernat said...


Marcelo.ar said...

Probably a little bug:
Starting with Chrome/Chromium version 38, both apps are leaving some empty folders in %LOCALAPPDATA%

C:\Users\Usuario\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\SwiftShader

C:\Users\Usuario\AppData\Local\Chromium\User Data

Chrome 36 (stable) and 37 (beta) are not affected yet.

Bernat said...

Sources in Other.
You are free to edit and recompile NSIS scripts.

Marcelo.ar said...

Thanks, Bernat.
Your chrome portable is OK.
I tested non-portable Chrome Dev and found the same bug (also was leaving some files outside non-default profile location), so I reported this to Chrome developers:

Issue 399993: SwiftShader component is installed in %LOCALAPPDATA% instead of specified user-data-dir

Unknown said...

Any chance of getting a portable version of 64-bit Chrome?

The 64-bit version of Chrome has been released to the stable channel.


Bernat said...

Just provide me the request link such as
that return xml infos for stable 32 bit

Unknown said...

Bernat - THANKS!

That 64-bit link for Chrome portable worked PERFECTLY! Installed as a portable app without a hitch.

Thank you so much!

billng said...

Thank you Bernat, the 64-bit Portable Chrome works perfectly.

Alexandra said...

Excuse me dear bernat but the file "Chrome_Portable_Multiversion_Online_Multilingual.exe" Norton AV continuously detects as : Troian.Gen.SMH.2 and quarantines or deletes,I would have the need to update Chrome Dev + Stable to the latest version, but unfortunately I'm stuck yet to 40.0.2214.6, kindly you can help me?

Bernat said...

Tested without virus with Kaspersky.
Uploaded again on MediaFire.
I can't do more.

Unknown said...

When I try download 40.0.2214.91 x86, I can download only 39.0.2171.99. x64 - ok. Please, do something.
Thank you for your work =) You are the best.

Marcelo.ar said...

Previous 32-bit installer is now working again.
Links given by pureocean now are giving up-to-date download links:

I prefer previous installer because I like to test the Canary version.

mediocrenoob said...

Chrome and other Chrome browsers don't come with Flash anymore. Could you update your Flash installer and make Pepper Flash plugin an installer too.

Bernat said...

Chrome has always PepperFlash

mediocrenoob said...

Fresh install of Chromium x64 http://ultraimg.com/images/2015-02-07_19-17-48.png
Probably like that with Iron since it's based on Chromium.

Bernat said...


mediocrenoob said...

Well I don't know what to say then. Fresh copy of Chromium x64, fresh copies of Shockwave Flash plugins and the browser won't recognize them.

Unknown said...

now you need to got to chrome:flags & Enable Enable NPAPI for flash to appear in chrome:plugins.

Unknown said...

Bernat:I'm using PortableChromium x64 Version 42.0.2296.0 (64-bit)
Here's images of what I see under flags & plugins:



Bernat said...

Thanks Buck Ofama.

Enable NPAPI was not in previous 42 Chromium x64 but now need to be activated to see Flash and Java.

After enabling, don't click Restart Now but close and restart by launcher.

Bernat said...

Buck Ofama: I deleted my previous message while you were posting.

NPAPI deprecation

Unknown said...

Thanks,Bernat.I'm aware of that,From Sept. '15 no NPAPI support.

mediocrenoob said...

Thanks Buck Ofama, that was the problem.

Unknown said...

No problem.Thought it would be.Glad it's sorted.

Marcelo.ar said...

You can use pepperflash from chrome with portable chromium, "ChrOpera", Vivaldi and Iron.
Just copy pepperflash folder from a chrome portable installation and edit [appname].ini like this:


or launch [appname]portable.exe with command lines pointing to pepperflash location:

--ppapi-flash-path="E:\[fullpath_to_pepperflash]\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll" --ppapi-flash-version=

Bernat said...

Added Pepper Flash Plugins with updated launchers.

ShunRenHu said...

HI! I Keep Getting SendRequest Error Messages When Installing The 64Bit Version Of Google Chrome DEV Build Portable, MIGHT I ASK How Do I Correct This Error And Solve This Problem ?

Bernat said...

Tested working entering:
in Chrome_Portable_64-bit_Online_Multilingual.exe
Resulting download link is:

Mike said...

Hello everyone,
I've noticed that my portable version of Chrome is no longer portable. My last version was 35.0.1916.153
Now I wanted to update so I ran "ChromePortableInstaller-online". Since yesterday I tried to work with version 37,39,41,42 but none those versions seems to be working - what I mean - after that I have no personal settings or extensions kept. The same situation appears when I try to run it from other computer. Any idea what this means?

Bernat said...

" I ran "ChromePortableInstaller-online"... I tried to work with version 37,39,41,42"
This is Chrome_Portable_MultiVersion_32-64-bit_Multilingual_Online and you can download only 41, 42 or 43.
Settings are created and kept in Data\Chrome.

Mike said...

Thank you for pointing at the "Data folder". I have had clean "portable installation" zipped from the past. So my experiment took a while and finally it works now. What I had to do was start from the beginning from the version 37 (where the "Multiple Sign-in Access" was introduced), and then install all extensions again, synchronize bookmarks and then update with version 41. All works now. thanks

Lucius said...

Same problem of calibre: i have download your chromeportableonline.exe, file setup from
but the installer required access to web!
Where I put my chrome installer .exe for run setup extractor?

Bernat said...

Can't be done.

Lucius said...

Ok. Is possible share only launchers file?

Bernat said...

Open Chrome_Portable_MultiVersion_32-64-bit_Multilingual_Online.exe with 7-Zip and extract App folder and ChromePortable.exe in a ChromePortable folder.
Create a Chrome64 folder in App.
Open 48.0.2564.103_chrome_installer_win64.exe with 7-Zip and extract chrome.7z in a temp folder.
Open chrome.7z with 7-Zip and open Chrome-bin folder: extract chrome.exe in Chrome64.
Open 48.0.2564.103 folder (in Chrome-bin) and extract its content in Chrome64.
Finaly create a 0 byte file "First Run" (without extension) in Chrome64.

Lucius said...

Thanks you very much! You are great!

Unknown said...

buenas, quiero saber como puedo hacer para actualizar a la ultima version de google chrome porque me tira error 1.
desde ya gracias.

Bernat said...


Unknown said...


Bernat said...

I have the same message and this is not a problem.

For all portable apps (except JDownloader) never let program update itself: run online installer again.

Lucius said...

Same of Vivaldi, chromeportableonline.exe create one folder "Google" into user/Local folder....

Bernat said...


Unknown said...

how to install in XP SP3 Thank You

Bernat said...

Since April 2016 Chrome no more support XP and Vista.
I have an old (24/11/2015) version 47.0.2526.73 32 bit tested working on XP SP3.

Unknown said...

Bernat,do you know when Chromium Portable will be updated to 52.0.2735.0 please?

Bernat said...

Thanks for reporting bug.
Installer updated (download URL changed).

Unknown said...

Great stuff,thanks Bernat.

Unknown said...

Just noticed on Chromium_Portable_Latest... chrome.exe is 51.0.2683.0 & the MANIFEST File is 52.0.2735.0

Bernat said...

For me all (manifest, exe, dll) is 52.0.2736.0 in 32 or 64 bit.

Unknown said...

Apologies,my mistake.I downloaded from the old link which was 51.0.2683.0 version.All good now & up to date.Thank you.

4nY said...

Iron was updated since over 2 weeks in your online installer.
Why don´t you post it???

Bernat said...

Thanks for info.

JJ said...

Is it possible to not run Chromium as admin? Features like dragging files to the browser don't work if it's running as admin.

Bernat said...


Bernat said...

48.0.2564.116 32 bit offline added.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bernat, the 49.0.2623.112 actually is the latest release for XP/Vista. Would you please update ?

Bernat said...

49.0.2623.112 32 bit Online added

Anonymous said...

"Download Portable Chrome 32-64 bit MultiVersion Online" is OFFLINE...

Bernat said...


BugSerg said...

does not start. Windows 10 home. What is the reason?

Bernat said...

Tested working on Windows 10 Home x64.
I can't solve a problem I don't have.

cdiz4u said...

for your info, new version of chrome can copy bookmarks from firefox but it copy nothing. no data has been copy by chrome. when i used firefox version 47.0 or 47.0.1, chrome can easily copy all bookmarks from firefox. hope you will look into it

Bernat said...

Tested working from installed Firefox.

samsara said...

Hi Bernat, I just drop by here to inform you that there's a new web browser out called Brave, Brave.com and it does not use Google ads etc, it's created by the same people that started Firefox. I hope you may help to make its portable version :) thanks a lot for all your releases all these years!!

Little Boy said...

Hello Mr.Bernat,
Wanted to notify u that jooseng mirrors is back...u can now show the link again,,,
I took the priviledge of Waybacking all the 12 pages of jooseng mirrors
Best Regards

Bernat said...

Many thanks for your help: link added.

Deejay Diabolik said...

How i can check if my DEV it's the latest ??

I try to check the upgrade from Info but it's not work........

Bernat said...

The only way I see is to run installer and click Cancel if the message Replace... is the same version.

KanTH said...

installer -> Download of 58.x.xxx.xx_chrome_installer.exe: SendRequest Error
Please Check :)

Bernat said...

Tested working.

KanTH said...

sorry - me (User Error) :D try second windows it work. (maybe HOSTs file)
Please UPDATE --> Adobe Flash Player <-- THANK YOU

Bernat said...

There is NO

DeeJay Diabolik said...

Hi friends.... can someone help me to add the "Internet Download Manager" extension on this portable version of Chrome ?

Anonymous said...

Bonjour, je pense que ChromePass Portable n'est plus disponible depuis un bon moment, je sais telecharger l'exe mais a l'extraction il y a une erreur...

Bernat said...

Effectivement, le lien de téléchargement de chromepass.zip a changé et ne fonctionne que depuis la page de NirSoft.
Installeur mis à jour en extracteur.

Anonymous said...

Merci pour le suivi impeccable Bernat, comme depuis toujours

Unknown said...

Download Chrome_Portable_MultiVersion_32-64-bit_Multilingual_Online.exe was completed.
Execute that exe file.
Download 69.0.3497.92_chrome_install.exe was 100% completed.

After finishing everything, I moved to installed folder.

On directory, D:\ChromePortable\App\Chrome\
I found only 2 files. that was First Run & chrome.exe
That's all

I've tried more than 10 times.
What's the matter with this install problem?

Bernat said...

Tested working.
You should have 24 files and 7 folders in Chrome folder.
Some files with size in bytes:
chrome_child.dll 66629976
chrome.dll 47795032
chrome.exe 1378648

Perhaps a problem of space on your drive (or copy speed).
Try to install on another drive.

Unknown said...

Dear Bernat.
I changed chrome installation folder from ramdisk to USB stick drive.
Now every installation process was completed perfectly.
I really appreciate it.

Lucius said...

chrome portable create folder into ...AppData\Local\Google\Software Reporter Tool....

Bernat said...

Not created in normal use.

Lucius said...

mmm... i have this folder, (deleted and re-create it) otherwise i don't post here!

Lucius said...

yes sorry! my error!

Unknown said...

Hi my friend
I live problems in vivaldi and chromium portable versions

For this site
I no hear sound but it work to installable edge and firefox and opera Some times it works(I hear) sometimes does not work
also I have similar problem on busuu

Bernat said...

Sound tested with your link on Vivaldi and Chromium portables.
Problem is with your computer.

Unknown said...

Hi Bernat
Would you reorganize the executable file(such as ChromiumPortable.exe) for Chrome or other browsers?
I set ChromiumPortable.exe as Default Web Browser however ChromiumPortable.exe gives warning when multiple tabs open.
Therefore could you redesign the codes of file (such as ChromiumPortable.exe )

Bernat said...

in ChromiumPortable.ini

Unknown said...

I Tried but not working
works when first open browser after when I clicked to html file was not opened in browser window

Unknown said...


I used this it made for firefox but working

Unknown said...

I Tried again in a few minute ago
in ChromiumPortable.ini

But it is same results. However I Fixed it by downloading GoogleChromePortable.exe from portableapps
GoogleChromePortable.exe size is larger s than ChromiumPortable.exe
it is 374 kb
Also qtranslate's copy text module isn't working it when run ChromiumPortable.exe

I tried
works it

Unknown said...

I used this

Yackor said...

j'utilise ChromePortable sur un même pc avec deux systèmes 64 : WIndows7 et windows10
A chaque fois que je lance chrome portable sur un OS différent, il perd le compte associé, les extensions .... idem pour SlimjetPortable ....
Merci d'avance pour votre aide

Bernat said...

Les extensions sont dans:

Yackor said...

Merci Bernat mais ça ne marche pas ...
Sur mon PC j'ai deux disques système un en windows10 l'autre en windows7
Suivant le boot il changent de C en D
Je configure dans un systeme chrome avec mon compte google (synchro) qui réinstalle toutes les extensions. Si je reutilise chrome pas de pb je recupère chrome configuré avec un historique du cache ...
Par contre si je passe sur l'autre système, je perds toute la config de chrome et l'historique, il faut que je re-synchronise mon compte google et ensuite réinstallation des extensions etc ...
J'ai essayé avec un chrome installé sur les deux systèmes avec la commande "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --user-data-dir="d:\ChromeUserData" et "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --user-data-dir="c:\ChromeUserData" sur l'autre système, mais j'ai le même problème, au changement de système chrome ne se connecte pas avec mon compte et il faut refaire une synchro
Je ne sais pas si mon problème est "solutionnable", je suis entrain de migrer progressivement vers windows 10 et je voulais utiliser chrome sur chaque système en continu comme je peux le faire avec Firefox.
Merci de votre aide et pour vos app-portables qui me simplifient souvent la vie ...

Bernat said...

Je pense que le problème vient de la connexion au compte google car chrome crypte les mots de passe en fonction du PC.

Portable Tools said...

Hi Bernat,
I have tried to install Chromium Portable but the launcher do not works anymore.
Online installer says "Download of ChromiumSetup.exe: SendRequest Error"
I think that download links are changed (but not in Your online installer).

I ask You to add an option to Your online installer:
Possibility of insert number of desired build (for example 73.0.3683.75) so the installer:
1. creates 'ChromePortable' folder
2. creates a launcher for inserted build number
3. creates other requested folders without download binaries
so I can download my preferred portable binaries from the site
Woolyss Chromium at https://chromium.woolyss.com/ and unzip them inside of the empty folder with version number inserted inside Your online launcher.
Thanks advance.

Bernat said...

Download tested working.
Sources in Other, you are free to modify and compile.

Portable Tools said...

I have tried to install Chromium Portable (32 or 64 bit or both; any type of build) but something block my installation.
Do You can prepare for me an installed copy of Chromium ?
Thanks very much advance.

Bernat said...

You can do it yourself with 7-Zip:
Open Chromium_Portable_dev-stable_32-64-bit_Multilingual_Online.exe with 7-Zip and extract App folder and ChromiumPortable.exe in a folder.
Download Installer of your choice: for instance chromium-sync.exe for v74.0.3689.0 64 bit.
Open chromium-sync.exe with 7-Zip and extract chrome.7z
Open chrome.7z with 7-Zip and extract the content of Chrome-bin\74.0.3689.0 in a Chromium64 folder that you have to create in App
You have also to extract chrome.exe and chrome_proxy.exe from Chrome-bin folder to Chromium64 folder.
Then run ChromiumPortable.exe
for 32 bit extract in a Chromium folder

Unknown said...

Is there any easy way to update portable Google Chrome without resetting all settings to default?
Thanks in advance ))

Bernat said...

Updating don't reset settings to default.

Unknown said...

So... I just need to download the newer version and install it into the same directory?

Bernat said...

Yes, your settings are stored in ChromePortable\Data\Chrome

sepa said...

I cann’t downloade most of apps from this blog, what happens? I don’t know.
when I install this program, this messages appears:
What can I do?
Please, I need help, I love this blog and most of my apps from here.

Bernat said...

You had a download problem when running online installer.
Retry or download srware_iron.exe (or srware_iron64.exe) in same folder of online installer and run it again.

PcFiX said...

Hi Bernat,
Could it be that the Chromium installer is failing again?
"Installer not found " 32 and
64 bit

I've check the path and seems Ok don't know about the build args



Bernat said...

Installer updated.
Only 64 bit download link is now returned by API v3.

JLR38 said...

C'est quoi cette suite de chiffres à la fin par exemple pour "download Portable Chrome 32-64 bit Multiversion (0.8 MB)" 12/03/17

Bernat said...

La taille et la date de création de l'installeur en ligne (pour ne pas le retélécharger si on l'a déjà).

DeeJay Diabolik said...

Hey boys... i have a little issue. Need to explain:
On my PC i have Internet Download Manager installed.
After i have installed latest chrome portable 64Bit on my PC when i try to start to download a video (for example from youtube) i obtain an errors say "...Chrome it's start as Administrator and IDM can't works etc etc...".
It's suggest to me to disable this check or in shortcut on the main executable.
I have check and the "Administrator" it's not checked..... how it's possible ??
How i can fix this ??
I have see "ChromePortable.exe" and also "Chrome.exe" inside "App" folder and both of this it's not checked as "Run as Admin".

IT's someone can suggest how i can fix this ?

Unknown said...

Hi Bernat,

Same error here

Could it be that the Chromium installer is failing again?
"Installer not found " 32 and
64 bit

I've check the path and seems Ok don't know about the build args



Bernat said...

There is no more 32 bit.
development build with codecs return:
Tested working

-=[ DeMoN ]=- said...

Hi Bernat!

It there any command to run Chrome without extension (example: -noextension)?


Bernat said...

not tested

-=[ DeMoN ]=- said...

Not work... :(

Bernat said...

Tested working with:
in ChromePortable.ini

Unknown said...

Yes, it works from ini file! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Every time I use portable Chrome on a different PC or even the same PC and a different OS, my Google account saved to ChromePortable is gone as well as some of the settings. On my PC I use 2 versions of Win10 installed on 2 different SSDs. Is there any way to change this behavior so that my Google account won't go away from my Portable Chrome?

Bernat said...


Unknown said...

So even when I will return to the PC/OS I already used earlier, my Google account data will be cleared again, right?

Bernat said...

It will cleared if you entered password in previous computer. On chromium based browsers, passwords are encrypted with a key depending of the computer and stored in a file (without extension)"Login Data" stored in Data\Chrome\Default.
You can try to backup-restore this file for each computer but not sure it will work.
Sorry, no more solution than having a ChromePortable folder for each computer or entering password after a computer change.

colin1951uk said...

Hi Bernat, the installer for SRWare Iron doesn't seem to be working properly. It appears to download ok but then nothing happens, it's not unpacking the files. App/Iron64 folder is empty. All I see is App\DefaultData\Iron\Default containing Book marks and Preferences. I don't think it's my system blocking anything as GoogleChrome and Slimjet install fine. Could you check it out please?

Bernat said...

Thanks for reporting bug: installer updated.

Lucius said...

i have download full chrome offline installer, rename on 96.0.4664.45_chrome_installer.exe
put on same folder with Chrome_Portable_MultiVersion_32-64-bit_Multilingual_Online.exe but it does not work properly ...

Bernat said...

Chrome online installer is not setup extractor.

Lucius said...

in your other releases this is possible... so you can not install with full offline setup?
maybe with a little modification to Chrome online installer this may be possible.

Bernat said...

No, sorry.

Lucius said...

with little search to offline chrome installer, we found this link https://www.google.com/chrome/?system=true&standalone=1&platform=win64 and download ChromeStandaloneSetup64.exe. but this file can't extract with 7z. your Chrome online installer instead download file 96.xxxxx_chrome_installer.exe and this file can extract with 7z. we have direct link to found (manually) stable version of xxx_chrome_installer.exe?

Bernat said...


Lucius said...

yes i have found this link (little different https://www.google.com/dl/release2/chrome/l2exfz.....) from your file SnifLink.xml on temp folder, but this is relative to this latest release. i need generic link. when run Chrome online installer this tool check latest version (stable, beta, dev) but which link does he check to find latest rel available?

Bernat said...

There is no generic link.

Grapix said...

Chrome Canary cannot be downloaded. Could you fix this issue?

Bernat said...

Can't be fixed, sorry.

Bernat said...


Daniel Ulman said...

Hi Bernat,

I tried to download Google Chrome version 110.0.5481.100 32-64 bit Multilingual, but it gives me the following error:

"Download of SnifLink.xml: SendRequest Error"

Can you fix it?


Bernat said...

Tested working.
Nothing to fix.

Mora said...

Hello, love your work very much
But you never mentioned that the new release of SRWare Iron is for windows 10 & 11 only
I still use 7, now, how can I rollback to release 109.0.5550.0

Bernat said...

Download the version of your choice in same folder than portable installer (it is also setup extractor).

Virginio said...

Hello Bernat,
I've to report a strange behaviour of the Chromium loader.

When I open it Chromium loads opening three tabs:

These seem to be originating from the path where the loader is:
in my case "P:\~ PortableApps ~\Internet Browsers\Chromium Portablez\ChromiumPortable.exe"
If I add AdditionalParameters=--app=http://portableappz.blogspot.com to "ChromiumPortable.ini" I get only one tab but cannot browse other sites.

Another annoying behaviour is that if I create a junction "C:\PortableApps" targetting "P:\~ PortableApps ~" the loader flashes without opening Chromium
As it happened to me with other portables might it be related to the working directory reference ?

The Chrome loader works fine (as all of others loaders of yours), up to now I've seen this behaviour only with the Chromium one.

Thanks for your Portables which are really useful !

Bernat said...

Normal behavior if you use strange characters (~) in your paths.
In command line ~ means something.
You are right the example of AdditionalParameters has no sense and is replaced by the list of chromium command line switches.

Virginio said...

Thanks Bernat for your prompt reply.
I made further tests removing the tildes signs.
To reproduce the behaviour without any strange character I just put the two portables in "P:\PortableApps\Chrome Portablez" and "P:\PortableApps\Chromium Portablez". Then made a junction "O:\PortabeApps" with target "P:\PortableApps".

Opening Chrome from both paths works. Opening Chromium only works from the real path, not from the junction. There is another strange thing that should be related to path's spaces handling: an extra folder is created after running Chromium in the PortableApps folder. To better show you I took a snapshot of the screen and uploaded here: https://ibb.co/1QNjjG6

I just made another test: I named the Chromium folder "TestChromium" and the extra dir was not created. Then named the folder "Test Chromium" and an extra "Test" folder was generated. Just to be sure, I always deleted "Data" folder prior every test.

Nothing urgent but if you'll have the time to check this I would greatly appreciate :-)

Thanks and have a nice day,

BTW do you have a dummy template of your portablez launcher to share ? I'd love to learn to portabilize other Apps that I use often. I created an AutoIt script for some programs made with Electron framework but those are easy as the don't involve any registry key, just AppData dirs junctions. I'd love to learn how to handle more complex cases.

Virginio said...

Sorry I forgot to mention that I found another useful source for Chromium builds, both for x64 and x86 versions and Googled and DeGoogled ones: https://chromium.woolyss.com/
Cheers, V.

Bernat said...

Old NSIS Template

Virginio said...

Thanks !

NemoiKiller said...

In the folder C:Windows\SystemTemp every opening of ChromePortable.exe creates a folder chrome_BITS_, can I remove it?

Bernat said...

Of course you can: it's an empty folder in the TEMP folder.

NemoiKiller said...

No, it's not empty

Bernat said...

For me all chrome_BITS_* folders are empty but no matter: you can delete all the content of the TEMP folder.
No risk, only temporary files and folders and if they are in use you can't delete.

Virginio said...

Hello @Bernat,

I love your launchers that allow to handle both x86 and x64 binaries and - most important - handle arguments being passed to the main exe either by dragging an url onto it or by script.

I've been using them for a very long time and I'm also using Chromium Ungoogled extensively but without your packaging because the official version (almost a year old now) is a "googled" one.

I just came back to your launcher (after dropping chrlauncher because doesn't handle drag & drop arguments at all) and I found a little bug that would be worth to be fixed.

To reproduce the issue is very easy. Just install the package to the default path "C:\PortableApps\ChromePortable" and add a space between Chrome and Portable. When you start the launcher a tab is opened with the url "http://portable/Data/Chromium". For every space in the path a separate tab is getting opened at each launch. So if you rename the main folder "Chromium Ungoogled Portable" you end up with two tabs: "http://ungoogled/" and "http://portable/Data/Chromium".

I've seen this behavior only on this particular launcher so far. It might be just a typo in the code I suppose.

When you have some spare time to have a look to this issue I'd also recommend to use the great chromium.woolyss.com repository for ungoogled Chromium sources. It would be great to have a choice between the two versions (both are on woolyss).

Thanks and have a great day

Bernat said...

Replace ChromiumPortable.exe.
Quote was missing in --user-data-dir="$EXEDIR\Data\${APP}"
If you added a space in path, the worst problem was not the tab added but the creation and use of a Chrome folder in PortableApps used in place of Data\Chromium

For chromium.woolyss.com I did but now installer can't found download link.

Virginio said...

That's great @Bernat! I didn't mention the problem of wrong directory creation because I was sure it was a consequence of the syntax issue... Now it works correctly and I set both "Chromium Portablez" and "Chromium Ungoogled Portablez". Everything works like a charm, I'm very thankful for this fix !

I take advantage of this message to ask about ChromiumPortable.ini file and extensions:

I set AdditionalParameters=-homepage http://startpage.com and it works correctly
then tried to add an extension needed to simplify KeePass use (having the url in the titlebar to match passwords automatically). The extension is https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/url-in-title/ignpacbgnbnkaiooknalneoeladjnfgb.
So I added:
--install-system-extension "C:\PortableApps\Internet Browsers\Chromium Ungoogled Portablez\URL-in-title.crx" and then enabled chrome://flags/#extension-mime-request-handling with "Always prompt for install". It works but I have two questions:

- What is the syntax for the relative path in --install-system-extension parameter ?
- I could tweak the Local State config file to inject "enabled_labs_experiments":["extension-mime-request-handling@2"] so to avoid one extra step, but is there a way to auto-enable an extension (or even better a set of default extensions) without manual intervention ?

Again many thanks for the prompt fix !

Bernat said...

Why not simply install extensions?
I opened https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/url-in-title/ignpacbgnbnkaiooknalneoeladjnfgb and clicked on Add to Chrome and now the extension is unpacked and used in Data\Chromium\Default\Extensions\ignpacbgnbnkaiooknalneoeladjnfgb

Virginio said...

The reason is that I often create new folders for browser isolation purposes and keeping the same extensions every time is one of the way of browser fingerprinting.

I can get extensions automatically downloaded by script via the registry keys in HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Google\Chrome\Extensions but they're not activated any more in latest chromium releases.

I just found and tested this one https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/extensity/jjmflmamggggndanpgfnpelongoepncg which might be the way to override all the manual activation process. But I need to have it activated by default at first, at least this one.

Then I could script different extensions presets to be activated by a click. It would be a great improvement but will be a lot of work...

I was just wondering if you ever dig into this matter and have tips to share about it...

Bernat said...

Sorry I don't care about browser fingerprinting.

Virginio said...

Dear Bernat, never mind: it's not at all a major issue compared to all the maintenance work needed with continuous updates.

Nevertheless I was digging into my portables archive and found a very old launcher of yours. It was an old Chrome for XP (version 87) launcher where inside the App folder there is a "DefaultData" with "\Chrome\Default\Preferences" and "\Chrome\Default\Bookmarks" pointing to the PortableAppz website.

I'm trying to use it with the launcher you kindly sent me two days ago but I'm not sure if the feature is still available and usable for my need.

Do you think the feature might work again somehow ? I'd need just a default "DefaultData\Chromium\Default\Preferences" file and "DefaultData\Chromium\Local State" (for ungoogled experimental features).


Bernat said...

The content of DefaultData is no more used by ChromiumPortable.exe because Bookmarks and Preferences was overwritten on first launch.
You can copy what you want in Data\Chromium\Default before launching but your Preferences file must be overwritten.

Virginio said...

Dear Bernat,
happy new year !

JFYI and for those who follow your brilliant work, I succeeded in auto-installing extensions in chrome/chromium. There are two requirements needed:

1) To install
In every "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Google\Chrome\Extensions\%chromeextid%" three entries are needed (the third is optional):
reg.exe add [...] /v "path" /t REG_SZ /d "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/%chromeextid%"
reg.exe add [...] /v "update_url" /t REG_SZ /d "https://clients2.google.com/service/update2/crx"
reg.exe add [...] /v "name" /t REG_SZ /d "%chromeextname%"

2) To Enable
In every "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallForcelist" one entry for each extension must be present. All entries indexed by consecutive numbers from 1 to ...:
reg.exe add [...] /v "%idx%" /t "REG_SZ" /d "%chromeextid%;https://clients2.google.com/service/update2/crx"

This latter point is often not well explained and that's why it took me so long to get it working.


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