A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.
You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.
On Vista and above turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.

25 March 2025

Free Remote Control, Remote Access & Online Meetings without installation.
Download Portable TeamViewer Latest 32-64 bit Online (0.8 MB) 27/04/21
Download Portable TeamViewer Multiversion Online (0.8 MB) 10/04/20
On first screen, skip for 15 or enter 14 or 13 or 12 or 11 or 10
Portable TeamViewer QuickSupport Multiversion Online (0.8 MB) 10/04/20
On first screen, skip for 15 or enter 14 or 13 or 12

Extract and run TeamViewerPortable or TeamViewerQSPortable.
Settings of installed TeamViewer should be preserved.

49 commentaires:

MATOZ said...

Why this in particular instead of the official portable version?

What makes the difference on this one?

Bernat said...

Installer apply RiF Patch: Enterprise, no nag on exit.

Launcher force nosave=0 in TeamViewer.ini, backup settings and can pass additional parameters (read post).

N. Nazzal said...

The so called portable version TeamViewer releases on their site is as far as it gets from real portable, it writes all over the place (It even wrote graffiti in my bathroom :P) and doesn't save credentials.
I contacted them, useless.

Bernat, you finally fixed it my friend, even if you just get the free version to be really portable its good enough.

Thanks :)

Bernat said...

For free version: uncheck Enterprise in updated installer.

Unknown said...

Hi bernat some help here , when i try to open after insall a window shows error :
Failed to load resource DLL (TeamViewer_Resource.dll)!

Bernat said...

Check at least one language in installer.

You must have at least one TeamViewer_Resource_xx.dll in App\TeamViewer

Compstuff said...


jooseng said...

Any difference between premium and enterprise version?
I found an enterprise version here:

Bernat said...

Enterprise added.

himynameissergey said...

Cool, hank you.

Unknown said...

I keep getting commercial use detected. What's going on? How do I prevent this? It disconnect me after 5 min.

Bernat said...

Try free version or buy a license.

Unknown said...

Hello Bernat!
You have a wonderful site ,use in my work for many portable programs made by you ,for what you really appreciate it. Tell me please, do you plan to make a portable version of TeamViewer Enterprise 9.0.24322 ? Thank you in advance, yours faithfully, Dmitry.

Bernat said...

Did you try installer?

Unknown said...

Hello Bernat! I'm sorry, I am not attentive sometimes I have.Enterprise works without problems! Good luck to you.

Unknown said...

Thanks Bernat, portable version works like a "Swiss watch"))).

Unknown said...

Bernat, could you do me a favor please?

I'll have a business license for an old v5 version (I bought it myself) that I'd like to use on different computers. Would you be so kind to post the nsis script that you're using for your portable version?

Thanks a lot,

Bernat said...

Installer updated with sources (extracted in Other)

If you want to test your license check Free in first screen of installer and exe will not be patched.

haarp.net said...

Thanks for Portable TeamViewer. I use it.
I have a question: Server Enterprise license is Corporate license as it's described here:

or is Business license? I don't see on that site a word about Server Enterprise license.


Bernat said...

I don't know.
Only 2 patches applied or not if you choose free.

jooseng said...

enterprise crack is available:

GlacialMan said...

v10 installer link seems to be offline. Thanks, bye.

Bernat said...


Highend said...

Bernat, would it be possible to create a portable QuickSupport only version that doesn't display it's "nag" window when it is closed?

Bernat said...

QS added.

GlacialMan said...

Hi Bernat, Server Enterprise patcher by REiS is available:

Dumonde said...

Hi Bernat,

TeamViewer_QS_Portable_Multiversion_Multilingual_Online doesn't work properly.

Nothing is in the output folder.


Bernat said...


Dumonde said...

Hi Bernat,

Thank you for the update.

There is still a problem.
After few days, I get the following error: TeamViewer.exe was not found in ..\TeamViewerPortable\App\TeamViewerQS

And the file is actually not there. There are two files TeamViewer_Desktop.exe and TeamViewer_Service.exe. TeamViewer.exe is missing.


Bernat said...

Tested working.
Problem is in your computer.
Run installer again.

mediocrenoob said...

The window.close() trick isn't working anymore for the 7.hta file.

Bernat said...


Unknown said...

Как сменить id teamviewer 12?

Bernat said...

You can't change: id for your computer is set by TeanViewer.

GlacialMan said...

Hi Bernat

Would you be interested in getting access to a NAS, where you can find all portable applications and repacked setups?
We are a small group of people who maintain the archive, to learn about making portables/repacks and find all you need, without wasting time
Moreover, if desired, you can cooperate in development and refining and, you can teach and learn, also in cooperation, working on templates and projects that all of us can freely use
Is not a blog, is a neutral meeting location, where privacy is guaranteed, our primary mission is to support the PAF makers and the repack makers

We use the "Discord" tool to communicate: https://discordapp.com/features
It's very secure and flexible, the registration is quick and simple, ID, PW and E-Mail are needed only
Cross-platform available: unofficial PAF version and official Web/Windows/Mac/Linux/Android/iOS versions

Quick start guide
1 - The best method is to use the PAF of "Discord" - download link: https://yadi.sk/d/y6tbqaok3G8LpR
   in alternative, all can be done via web: https://discord.gg/ExKbgXg
    or phone: https://discordapp.com/download
2 - Register an account using: username (preferably, your recognizable nickname), password and E-Mail (will not be visible to other users)
3 - If needed (depending on the used method), you can join to our server (Portable Workshop), not always managed in auto mode, using this address: https://discord.gg/ExKbgXg
4 - Start a Direct Message (private chat) with an Admin (DoomStorm or GlacialMan) to became a member (user with no limitations, that can see all areas)

Best regards

Bernat said...

Thanks for your interest but I have only the time to update this blog.

Best regards.

Sean said...

With QS, getting same error: TeamViewer.exe was not found in ..\TeamViewerPortable\App\TeamViewerQS

Also, possible/how to specify build/version (wish to have v12 for example)?

Bernat said...

QS fixed.
12x added.

Paulo Afonso said...

I come with this problem is it possible to notice?
Already the same files in Windows 7 32 Bits works normally. I downloaded again and nothing.


Bernat said...

Downloaded again too and no problem.
No idea, sorry.

jab3rw0ky said...

@Paulo Afonso Try installing c++ redistributables.

Reches said...

I have a that error.. Please help..


Bernat said...

The message is clear: ask to the owner of the remote computer to update his version of TeamViewer.

Reches said...

Bernat, I understood that message is clear, but I have this message after I do one point of your instruction:
"Connect to a remote computer on startup with:
AdditionalParameters= -i 123456789 --Password pwd in TeamViewerPortable.ini"

After that, when I turn on Team Veiwer I have a error like on my upper post.

I have only a free version, not paid..


Bernat said...

If you want to automatically connect to a remote computer on startup without entering id and password you can edit TeamViewerPortable.ini according to the sample but of course replacing 123456789 with the real ID of the remote computer and pwd with the real password.

Reches said...

Oh, it's only for that :P Ok. So your version is not a premium or corporate but only free version? Am I wright?


Bernat said...

Of course it's only free: premium or corporate need a license checked by program when online.
If you have a valid code replace 00-00000-000000-000000 in App\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.ini

ferpavao said...

Hello there! Is it possible to make available the 64-bit version? Thanks!

Bernat said...


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