A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.
You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.
On Vista and above turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.

22 January 2025

Cross-platform virtualization without installation.
Download Portable VirtualBox 64 bit Online (0.6 MB) 11/09/24
In first screen enter 7.1.6-167084 and 7.1.6 for Extension Pack
Download Portable VirtualBox 32-64 bit Online (0.5 MB) 09/03/17
Thanks to Dirk Gently for fixs
In first screen enter (twice if Extension Pack needed): 6.0.14-133895 or 5.1.30-118389

Extract and run VirtualBoxPortable.
Don't use if you have VirtualBox installed.

Online installer is also setup extractor if you download VirtualBox-7.1.6-167084-Win.exe (118 MB) and Oracle_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-7.1.6.vbox-extpack (22 MB) in its folder.

200 commentaires:

seiferflo said...

Hi Bernat,
Nice work on this app. Thanks a lot.

I used to make some apps portable a long time ago, but didn't keep practicing.
I came back recently to your tutorial by using the template you're giving at the end, but I feel like that are some steps missing.

Do you think you could detail it a little bit, more a step-by-step guide for the noob please?

You seem to cover the essential but yet when using your template, I don't know in which order I should start. Also why do you have a lite nsi, what's the difference? What do you have to modify exactly?
Can we export the registry keys from regshot or total uninstall, then convert them to nsh and integrate them in the launcher?

Is it also possible to provide one of your app as a template? I mean just before your create the launcher. It would be really good if this app installs at least a couple of registry keys and some files in appdata.

I spent hours looking at the help and forum section of PortableApps and it's so confusing also. Your method seems much lighter and yet I can't make it.

So I hope you'll have a bit of free time. A little more detailed tuto would make a lot of happy noobs ;)

Thanks in advance for your help

Bernat said...

You are right, the tutorial is out of date (2009).

I will try to update and post in blog when done.

Hdi said...

Bernat thanks for making portable of this App. Awesome ;)

Latte said...

Wow Virtual Box portable, amazing. So I can have all the Virtual systems on USB?

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot for this app! You save my day!! :-)

Luis Sergio said...

Very good portable, congratulations

I also want to say that I am a student of this school Bernat, and based on his tutorial I created a small tutorial in my language (You can translate the page with google) where I tried to detail some details.

In this link:


Sergio Schneider said...

Does not load/work in windows 8 64bit

Bernat said...

Only "Tested on Windows XP Pro SP3 and Windows 7 Integrale SP1"

Sergio Schneider said...

Just reporting because all the other apps I've downloaded from here worked 100% in Win8-64.
Thank you for your good work!

Bernat said...

Thanks for reporting.
I will try to install a virtual Windows 8 in a host Windows 7.

Stefan Mihai said...

i try on Windows 7 SP1 & does not work ... at finish are just few kb.

can you post another without internet required. Thanks.

I like very much what you do with your site...

Bernat said...

No problem for me on Windows 7 SP1.
I spend my time to upload offline version only when I can't build online.
Perhaps someone else will upload for you...

Hurzelchen said...

Hi, there. In Post was told that German is available. After installing only English is supported an language is not changeable. Why, or how to? Thank you.

Bernat said...

When VirtualBox is not running you should have *_de.qm files in
if you checked German on install

Hurzelchen said...

Hi! I bow my head in regret to say sorry. After SECOND start V-Box appears in my common idiom. (sure i checked this "tongue" during installing!) But if directly started after this, there is no language to change. I looked for *_de.qm; they are there and started V-Box second time and now its easier to enjoy for me. Nice work and well done; thank you!

Unknown said...

this latest package 4.2.2 seems to download the extension pack but failed to complete successfully

Bernat said...

You are right, installer updated.

asv4home said...

The extention pack doesn't loaded from the
If the path is
it works. Tested under Windows 7 SP1 64-bit only.

Bernat said...

You are right.
I did'nt test.
Installer updated.

MATOZ said...

I dont get it, just run the installer and run it, and nothing happen, I already use W7 SP1.

When i click the VirtualBoxPortable.exe there's no program, just the portableappz splash screen.

Do I need to do something to get this program tu run? Need other files?

Appreciate your help.

Bernat said...

You must be connected to internet while running online installer.

Online installer will download VirtualBox-4.2.2-81494-Win.exe (91.5 MB) and extract files.

rene said...

even when I check the French language in the installer, I do not have French in the application once installed.

Thanks a lot

Bernat said...

Me too.
The two last version have no more French language files (see language available in post).
I hope it will come back.

MATOZ said...

Pardon me my ignorance but, the installer already downloaded the 91.5 MB and the extension as well, but after finished, the VirtualBoxPortable folder is just 29.8 MB, and the normal splash screen show up but nothing happen, I tried on 2 PCs, same situation, any suggestion?

And for your reference I'm using W7 SP1 32bit (on both PCs)


Bernat said...

Your systems don't allow to run msiexec (necessary to extract files from msi installers).
You can try to run online installer as Admin or download offline pack added in post.

MATOZ said...

Running installer as Adm works like a charm.
Appreciate for the offline installer just for in case Online Installer doesn't works.!


Still loving you said...

Hi Bernat,

Everything seem worked but I have had a problem that I can't add bridge network adapter, can you fix it? Thanks for this portable soft!

Bernat said...

Sorry I don't use bridge network adapter and can't test.

fedequet said...

Hi to everyone.
For all of those needing VirtualBox Portable with full network and USB capabilities, check:
Thanks Bernat for all of your great work with portable applications.

Ariel said...

Portable VirtualBox does not include network-Installing VirtualBox Additions Guests. Rest works well. Congratulations on the effort. thanks

VirtualBox Portable no incluye en red- Instalación de los Guests Additions de VirtualBox. el Resto Funciona Bien. Felicitaciones por el Esfuerzo. Gracias

Unknown said...

4.2.10-84105 Has been updated

Unknown said...

84105 online installer invalid
Then thanks to update

Dunkler Mond said...


Is it possible to get full screen - without this little screen and the black or white frame ?

Greetings Vaana

Bernat said...

Change screen resolution of the virtual machine.

Daniel Mercado said...

This is probably the best Portable Virtualbox I've seen.

There is only one problem, though.

The default machine folder is always set to something weird (not inside VirtualboxPortable folder hierarchy)

So I created a small perl script to fix it before you run it for the first time on a new computer.

Extract this zip to the VirtualboxPortable directory and double click on RUN_FIRST.bat

Fix for Virtualbox Default Machine Directory

It will set the default directory to VirtualboxPortable\Data\Virtualbox\Virtualbox VMs

Also, in case you did not know, if you create a directory called TFTP in the VirtualboxPortable\Data\Virtualbox directory, you can boot a pxe file on the virtual machine. Just make sure you name it the same name as the virtual machine.

For example, a virtual machine named xp, you would create a file in the TFTP directory called xp.pxe

Bernat said...

VMs folder is set by default at the root of VirtualboxPortable in line 7 of VirtualBoxPortable\App\DefaultData\VirtualBox\VirtualBox.xml
X: is set to current drive letter by launcher.
But this is done only if you have VirtualBoxPortable in a PortableApps folder at the root of your drive.

Daniel Mercado said...

Hello Bernat,

Yes I see that now. That would work if you always run it from an external drive.

But I use Virtualbox on many different machines in many different scenarios. Sometimes I have it in My Documents folder, sometimes I have it on Lan share, etc etc.

So I just thought since I had to code something to fit my needs, I would share it with everyone else who might need it.

Thanks again for all that you do!

N. Nazzal said...

Hello Bernat,
Do you (Or anyone) know where VB stores shared folder setting?
I'm trying to make it portable, I know it needs to be full and not relative path (Lame), but that's not a problem, I have a launcher that can fix it on startup if its editable.


Bernat said...

In your defaultMachineFolder in YourMachine\YourMachine.vbox.

In SharedFolder entry of SharedFolders section of this xml file.

N. Nazzal said...

Much appreciated :)
Keep up the good work

randomlessly said...

OMG just what I needed! Tnx!

Anonymous said...

I can't start my virtual machines from shortcuts. I receive this error message:

Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object.

The application will now terminate.

Callee RC: REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG (0x80040154)

My main OS is Windows XP SP3.

Bernat said...

I can't solve a problem I don't have.
Try to restart host.
Verify folders tree in App (VirtualBox not running):
VirtualBox_amd64\ (if checked on install)

Anonymous said...

I checked the folder tree and all folders are there.

I've noticed that after restarting my host OS if i click on the desktop shortcut it starts the virtual machine, but this work only one time. After this whenever i click on the shortcut icon i receive the above error.

This is what i have in the shortcut file properties:

for Target: E:\PortableApps\VirtualBoxPortable\App\VirtualBox_x86\VirtualBox.exe --comment "Windows XP" --startvm "3e9556f5-1acd-4bb6-85cc-fbcac2121365"

for Start: E:\PortableApps\VirtualBoxPortable\App\VirtualBox_x86

I don't know if this will tell you something. If you need some other data from logs or setting files i can post them too.

Bernat said...

Normal it don't work: you launch directly without launcher!

Launcher should pass parameters, try:
for Target: E:\PortableApps\VirtualBoxPortable\VirtualBoxPortable.exe --comment "Windows XP" --startvm "3e9556f5-1acd-4bb6-85cc-fbcac2121365"
for Start: E:\PortableApps\VirtualBoxPortable

Anonymous said...

Thanks!! Now it is working.

Can you tell me what is the best program for creating portable application? I want to convert some programs for which i can't find portable version.

Anonymous said...

Do you have portable VirtualBox 4.2.14? Version 4.2.16 is giving me some problems even if i install it normally.

Bernat said...

In first screen enter: 4.2.14-86644

Anonymous said...

Well, i was asking about portable 4.2.14 version, not installer.

Bernat said...

You had both.
In first screen of Online Installer enter: 4.2.14-86644

Anonymous said...

Both links you have provided are direct links to virtualbox.org site. There is no link to online installer.



Bernat said...

Download Portable VirtualBox MultiVersion Online (0.5 MB)

In first screen enter: 4.2.14-86644

Extension Pack available

Anonymous said...

Thanks, i got it.

dim said...

doesn't seem to get extracted properly i suppose ?
i end up with empty folders inside "app"

VirtualBox 4.2.18-88780 x86-amd64 Multilingual
win7 x64

Bernat said...

No problem for me (tested again)

Try to download setup (links added in post) and run online installer in same folder.

swede said...

Hi Bernat, thanks for great apps.

The installer returns this error for me: Download of Virtualbox -4.2.18-8870-Win.exe: File not found (404)

Bernat said...

You are right: they changed links.
You have to download setup(s) and run setup extractor in same folder.

Lapin said...

In first screen enter: 4.2.18-88781

check if downloaded setups have the same number



Bernat said...

Try to rename Extension_Pack-4.2.18-88780 in Extension_Pack-4.2.18-88781

pureocean said...

Hello bernat,

Thank you all your portable. Very very useful.

I want a news. Virtualbox support "Turkish" language. But the installer of Portable can't see and install exist the language files: qt_tr.qm, VirtualBox_tr.qm

Could you adding TR support language?

Bernat said...

Turkish added in installer.

José said...

Hi, Bernat thanks for your great apps, keep up your magnific works.I have a question. When I run VirtualBox, it writes some registry entries and some services in the computer where I run it?. Thanks in advance.

Bernat said...


Anonymous said...

When i have the VirtualBox manager and one virtual machine running if i close first the manager window then i can't save the state of the virtual machine when i close it. I receive this error:

Failed to save the state of the virtual machine xp.

Callee RC: E_FAIL (0x80004005)

Bernat said...

Of course!
No reason to close manager when virtual machine is running.

Anonymous said...

I was just wondering why i am getting this error, because with the installed version of VirtualBox i don't get error when i first close the manager.

Kira300467 said...

GUI is working, but "cannot access the Kernel driver" I get as error message if I try to start the VM. Installed Virtualbox ist working properly at same file.

Bernat said...

Use installed.
I use this portable every days without problem.

Bryce said...

Hi Bernat. Thanks mate for every & each portable app you share. Great job my friend.
..Just one question. After installing the latest "4.3.8-92456"
version of VirtualBox and successfully creating a "Virtual Machine" I have a problem enabling the "USB 2.0" support. When enabling It gives me an "Invalid settings detected - the Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack needs to be installed" even though I had all files in the same directory upon installation. Any suggestion?

Bernat said...

Verify if in File/Preferences.../Extensions Active is checked

Unknown said...

Please note that the original 4.3.10 packages (revision 92957) were replaced (revision 93012) due to a last-minute regression, see #12868!

Bernat said...

Updated. Thanks.

Graham Hardman said...

hi, your files worked sweet. Thanks for the good job, however when i quit the portable version i found it had stuffed up my wireless connection on my win7 ultimate pc. Also virtual box couldnt create an object so didnt start successfully.
in device listing all the vitualbox network entries show trouble.

I needed t uninstall and reinstall last time this happened a few months back.
would appreciate you comments

Bernat said...

No problem for me. I can't do more.

Unknown said...

Why need both x86 and amd64 install on x64 system?

Can install only amd64?

Bernat said...

No you can't.
Portable is not installed on a computer but extracted on a drive and must run on all computers.

Hdi said...

Hey Bernat
After upgrading to v4.3.14 i got this error:

And VirtualBox didn't run anymore!
OS is win 7 pro sp1 x86

Bernat said...

No problem for me on Windows 8 x64.
I can't solve a problem I don't have.
Try to go back to 3.12

Unknown said...

Hi Bernat
For me VirtualBox Crashes too
Win7 x64 SP1
Problem Event Name: BEX64
Application Name: VirtualBox.exe
Program starts but after some click crashes

Bernat said...

4.3.14 seems have problems.
Recommended go back to 4.3.12

Unknown said...

Entièrement d'accord avec Bernat
:cette dernière version ne fonctionne pas n i la précédente d'ailleurs. Dommage!!

pal1000 said...

I made some research on this as well. As things are going it won't be fixed soon.
And those who think 4.3.12 is guaranteed to work think again. You will see what I mean if you have Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium.
More info:

pal1000 said...

The portable installer should ask for the extension pack version as well, preferably auto-completing the text field with the installer version when installation of extension pack is requested because it is possible for the extension pack and the installer versions to mismatch.
It actually happened with current stable release. Virtualbox 4.3.20-96997 was released 3 days after 4.3.20-96996, on 24th November according to this page. The extension pack has never been updated to match installer's version number. It was an Windows only update. This scenario repeats more often with test builds from here.
This also broke the link to the latest installer in your post. VirtualBox-4.3.20-96996-Win.exe has been removed from here.
The only solution to get things working in this situations is to manually rename either the installer or the extension pack file to match in version number with the other.

Bernat said...


Anonymous said...

The portable VirtualBox doesn't allow me to create new Host Only Network: Preferences>Network>Host-Only Networks>Add host only network

I got this error:

Failed to create the host network interface.

Result Code: E_FAIL (0x80004005)

My host OS is Windows 7x32.
On the installed version i can add new network but on the portable version it gives error.

Is there any solution for this?

Bernat said...

Use installed.

Anonymous said...

I hate to have installed programs on my PC but i guess in this case i don't have other choice. Is there any other limitations that the portable version has?

Bernat said...

I use VirtualBox Portable daily but basically without limitation.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to back up the network interfaces created with the installed VirtualBox and then restore them after uninstalling VirtualBox, and using them with portable VirtualBox? I am trying to create ssh connection between my Host and my Guest virtual machine, which is Ubuntu server, but for this i need to create new Host Only Network.

Bernat said...

Should not be possible.
I can't test: I don't need this feature.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a problem when using both version of VitrualBox, installed and portable. If i install VirtualBox and after this i use the portable version, when i close the portable version and try to start the installed version i get this error:

Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object.
The application will now terminate.
Callee RC: REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG (0x80040154)

I am using Windows 7 x32

Bernat said...

Just restart computer.
Post updated.

Bernat said...


Phuc said...

Hello Bernat,

Some problems with VirtualBox 4.3.26-98988 x86


Bernat said...

No problem for me.
I can't solve a problem I don't have.

George said...

Great job as always,
I only have the option to install Windows 7 x86 on the virtualbox machine, is this normal? Its my first time so don't know if I'm doing something wrong. I'm running Windows 10 pro x64 on host machine.

Thanks again

Bernat said...

I have many versions of Windows in choice (host: Windows 10 x64).

George said...

I'll try again and see. Thanks for your time and as always I really appreciate everything. Thanks again.

Low Vision SA said...

Hi, I'm trying to bypass Virtualbox from detecting my unsigned copy of uxtheme.dll as I run a custom theme (the default Win8 one gives me headaches). Virtualbox now checks if various system files are signed :(

Is it possible to use Launcher.nsh to bypass the location of uxtheme.dll ?

as in:
1) copy signed uxtheme.dll to c:\portableapps\virtualbox\other\
2) alter Virtualbox Portable launcher to tell Vbox to look there
3) ..

I've tried copying uxtheme.dll into Virtualbox's main folder path but that doesn't work it still scans c:\windows\system32 so I'm wondering if the portable apps wrapper can somehow fix this?


Bernat said...

I think it can't be done.

seiferflo said...

Hi VirtualBox doesn't work anymore on Windows 10x64.

Faulting application name: VirtualBoxPortable.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4b1ae3c6
Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 10.0.10565.0, time stamp: 0x5614b4a7
Exception code: 0x0eedfade
Fault offset: 0x000a63d8
Faulting process id: 0x1fb4
Faulting application start time: 0x01d10cb596e6ddff
Faulting application path: D:\Liberkey\MyApps\VirtualBox Portable\VirtualBoxPortable.exe
Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
Report Id: f4c2c657-018b-4218-b8dd-6d150c6b956e
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:

Fault bucket 107659946915, type 1
Event Name: APPCRASH
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 107446008216

Problem signature:
P1: VirtualBoxPortable.exe
P3: 4b1ae3c6
P5: 10.0.10565.0
P6: 5614b4a7
P7: 0eedfade
P8: 000a63d8

Attached files:

These files may be available here:

Analysis symbol:
Rechecking for solution: 0
Report Id: fa736994-f88e-4977-a5c2-85329660dfe7
Report Status: 8
Hashed bucket: 1cb3ffa0bc90bf3ff14985774db54bac

Any idea please? Thanks in advance

Bernat said...

Tested working on Windows 10 x64.
I use it daily.
I can't do more.

Edu said...

Muchas gracias por el VirtualBox Bernat.

Anonymous said...


When installing Windows 10 on x64, before the end returns an error : Fatal error during installation.
What can it be?
I've tried everything

tks for help!

Bernat said...

No idea, sorry.
No problem for me on Windows 10 x64.

Robert yang said...

try VirtualBox 5.0.14-105127 on windows 7 64bits and nothing happens after run "VirtualBoxPortable.exe"


Bernat said...

Tested working. I can't solve a problem I don't have.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, this post is about the portable virtualbox and my doubt is virtualbox 5.0.14-105127 PC with Windows 10 x64.

tks guys!

Robert yang said...

here is my steps:
1. run VirtualBox_Portable_5.x.x_32-64_Multilingual_Online.exe
2. enter 5.0.14-105127
3. install portable version
4. then I went to the portable version folder, I found " App VirtualBox_x86" "App VirtualBox_adm64" has no files but only two folders "accessible" "drivers"

I also tried in another win 8.1 and win 10 machines and the same result.


Bernat said...

Retry after downloaded VirtualBox-5.0.14-105127-Win.exe (105 MB) in same folder as VirtualBox_Portable_5.0.x_32-64_Multilingual_Online.exe

Robert yang said...

I redownloaded and the same result

windows 10 64 bits:
- after extracting by using portable tool, it only has 10 files, 16 folders and total of 275KB

windows 7 64 bits:
- it won't run. then I found it has a lot of files in x86 folder but empty inside amd64 folder. then I kind of fake it to run to x86 folder exe, and it runs but only can create 32bit VMs


Robert yang said...

sorry, it works now!!

I don't know which is causing problem.. but here is what I did

1. disable anti-virus software
2. run VirtualBox_Portable_5.0.x_32-64_Multilingual_Online.exe as administrator
3. install to a new folder instead of replacing the current folder which has all the settings already.


Robert yang said...


I got another error about running VMs. and I found a solution here. https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=69896

However, do you know how I can install it without the driver? thanks!

These are the steps I used to fix this issue on my system - Window 10 Home build 10240:

Uninstall VirtualBox (through "Programs and Features").
Make sure "VirtualBox NDIS6 Bridged Networking Driver" is uninstalled from network devices: Steps
GOTO: Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center -> Change adapter settings
RIght-click your network device (mine was Dell Wireless 1703) and select "Properties".
Select the "VirtualBox NDIS6 Bridged Networking Driver" and click "Uninstall".
(Optional) Restart your system.
Install VirtualBox (I installed build 5.0.4r102546)
When prompted, make sure "Bridged Networking Driver" is set to NOT INSTALL!
Done. Enjoy VirtualBox.

Anonymous said...


Congratulations, man.
I did as you said (uninstalled the virtualbox connection on the control panel) and then deactivated the kaspersky and installed again without network connections.

Guess it????????
Everything is OK!

thaaaaaank UUUUU maan!

Willy Solares said...

Hey buddy you are awesome, I am wondering where do I put the file named
Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-5.0.16-105871.vbox-extpack in the portable directory, Thanks a lot for you effort by creating the best portables apps on the web, greetings and blessings

Bernat said...

Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-5.0.16-105871.vbox-extpack is an additional setup and not to be put in portable directory.
You have 2 ways of installation:

If you have a good internet connection: run installer, enter version number, check extension and wait until installer download setup.

You prefer use a download manager or have yet setup: run installer in same folder as setup, it will not download but extract files from downloaded setup.

Unknown said...

Hi! When will you make portable 5.1 version? I am waiting for it and using only your portable software!

Bernat said...

5.1 could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows"

Unknown said...

I have tried your "Download Portable VirtualBox 5.0.x Online" with version "VirtualBox-5.1.8-111374-Win" it already work if manually I added the folder "platform" in this position "\VirtualBoxPortable\App\VirtualBox_amd64\platforms".
The folder "platform" contain:

My OS Win 10 Pro full updated 64 bit
Win 7 Pro full updated 64 bit

Why have you decided to interrupt this fantastic release?

Bernat said...

Many thanks for your help!
I didn't noticed that there is no more "accessible" folder but now "platforms" folder.
Updated and tested on XP SP3 32 bit and 7 SP1 and 10 64 bit.

Unknown said...

It was a great pleasure for me to help.

Many thanks

Chris Locke said...

Started up a virtual machine, and it died.

VirtualBox - Error In supR3HardenedWinReSpawn
NtCreateFile(\Device\VBoxDrvStub) failed: Unknown Status -626 (0xfffffd8e) (rcNt=0xe986fd8e)
VBoxDrvStub error: RTLdrOpenWithReader failed: -626 (Image='\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll'). (rc=-626)

Make sure the kernel module has been loaded successfully.

where: supR3HardenedWinReSpawn
what: 3
VERR_LDRPE_LOAD_CONFIG_SIZE (-626) - The PE loader encountered an unknown load config directory/header size.


I guess this means it doesn't like being portable?

Bernat said...

Tested working on XP SP3 32 bit and 7 SP1 and 10 64 bit.
I can't solve a problem I don't have.

Unknown said...

The last release do not work here. I receive, during virtual machine start up, an error regarding certificate orother like this. I will check better with a regular installation of VB

Bernat said...

Tested working.
Try to restart Windows.

Unknown said...

Perfect it work after windows restart. Sorry and thanks a lot

Unknown said...

Finally works again for me on W10 x64, thank you so much! Unfortunately, this is far from true-portable for me. I have to clean up all these entries after running VirtualBoxPortable:

net stop vboxdrv
rem sc delete vboxdrv
net stop vboxusbmon
rem sc delete vboxusbmon

reg delete HKCR\AppID\{819B4D85-9CEE-493C-B6FC-64FFE759B3C9} /f
reg delete HKCR\CLSID\{0bb3b78c-1807-4249-5ba5-ea42d66af0bf} /f
reg delete HKCR\CLSID\{3c02f46d-c9d2-4f11-a384-53f0cf917214} /f
reg delete HKCR\CLSID\{b1a7a4f2-47b9-4a1e-82b2-07ccd5323c3f} /f
reg delete HKCR\CLSID\{dd3fc71d-26c0-4fe1-bf6f-67f633265bba} /f
reg delete HKCR\Interface\{97c78fcd-d4fc-485f-8613-5af88bfcfcdc} /f
reg delete HKCR\Interface\{0169423f-46b4-cde9-91af-1e9d5b6cd945} /f
reg delete HKCR\Interface\{c1bcc6d5-7966-481d-ab0b-d0ed73e28135} /f
reg delete HKCR\Interface\{d2937a8e-cb8d-4382-90ba-b7da78a74573} /f
reg delete HKCR\TypeLib\{d7569351-1750-46f0-936e-bd127d5bc264} /f

reg delete HKCR\VirtualBox.Session /f
reg delete HKCR\VirtualBox.Session.1 /f
reg delete HKCR\VirtualBox.VirtualBoxClient /f
reg delete HKCR\VirtualBox.VirtualBoxClient.1 /f
reg delete HKCR\VirtualBox.VirtualBox /f
reg delete HKCR\VirtualBox.VirtualBox.1 /f

Bernat said...

Sources in other: you can edit and compile as you want.

Unknown said...

All right. I found the reason why the services aren't removed properly. The following

SimpleSC::StopService "${_SRC} 1 30"

should be changed into

SimpleSC::StopService "${_SRC}" 1 30

(in both DelLocal and DelPortable).

I've added the registry keys as new {REGKEY2}-{REGKEY18} in BackupLocalKeys and RestoreLocalKeys.

Unknown said...

Ok, that was helpful in finally learning how NSIS worked. Found some more minor improvements you might be interested in. For a side-by-side comparison, here are yours (.org) and the modified script files.


Bernat said...

Many thanks for your help!
The error in SimpleSC::StopService was in Launcher.nsh from several years.

Perhaps the registry keys were left by unstopped services.

Thanks again, I will update.

Unknown said...

Some of the registry entries were indeed removed right after stopping the 2 services with "net stop". The registry keys I have added, however, were not removed automatically and need manual removal, like in my modifications. It was quite a b*tch, because NSIS did find some of those keys, but failed to remove them (the clsid\... and interface\... keys). Needed some "cmd /k reg delete ..." stuff to finally find out that if x64 VirtualBox was run, NSIS needed to access the registry in x64 "mode" in order to be able to not only read them, but also remove them. As such, I added "SetRegView 64". Also, I didn't think it made sense to give an error if the launcher wasn't started with Admin rights, so I just added "RequestExecutionLevel admin", because it always needs to write HKLM anyway.

Bernat said...

You are right, Call CheckRegWrite has no sense for this kind of software.
Installer updated with your script.
Thanks for spending time to solve many problems.

Unknown said...

My pleasure! Thanks for doing this for such a long time already, helped me out so many times!

Sten said...

Hello. In version 5.1.16-113841 polish language come back but in your portable version doesn't have it. Will you change this?

Bernat said...

Updated: added Greek, Euskara, Polish & Slovenian.

Gérard M said...

Bonjour Bernat,
Merci pour tout ton travail qui est vraiment très pratique sans surcharger le systeme.
Je viens d'installer VirtualBox_Portable_5.1.x_32-64_Multilingual_Online sur mon PC Windows 10 Pro x64, mais lorsque je veux creer une machine virtuel il ne me propose que des machines 32bits.
Est-ce qu'il a une information qui m'echappe ou ais-je ratter quelque chose?
Merci d'avance.

Bernat said...

Vérifie que VirtualBox s'exécute bien en 64 bit : dans le Gestionnaire des tâches il ne doit pas y avoir (32 bit) après VirtualBox Manager.

Gérard M said...

Bonjour Bernat,
Dans le Gestionnaire de tâches il y a VirtualBox Manager sans (32 bit).

Bernat said...

Donc il s'exécute bien en 64 bit et tu devrais avoir ceci en créant un nouvelle machine virtuelle.
Désolé mais je ne vois d'où cela vient.

Gérard M said...

Et bien NON, VirtuaBox ne me propose que des machines en 32bit.
Et j'ai bien un Windows 10 Pro x64 et plus de version VirtualBox installée.
Difficile à comprendre!!

Bernat said...

Ici il semble avoir résolu en entrant dans le BIOS.
Mais on trouve d'autres réponses sur Google.

Gérard M said...

Bonjour Bernat,
Merci beaucoup pour l'info du Bios :) dont le paramètre du Processeur Intel était effectivement désactivé.
Maintenant je peux créer des VM en 64bits.
Merci encore et bonne journée.

dim said...

installer doesn't seem able to extract the archive on my system, either manually or auto downloaded
ends up with an only 53mb folder

Bernat said...

Tested working on Windows 10 x64
md5 of setup:
5918f1e7274412b81e88d40005c0c3c3 *VirtualBox-5.1.22-115126-Win.exe
78b01ef9443f0bb1e31489ee7855135a *Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-5.1.22-115126.vbox-extpack

resulting folders sizes (with extpack):
VirtualBoxPortable\App\ 282,3 MB
VirtualBoxPortable\App\VirtualBox_common\ 121,3 MB
VirtualBoxPortable\App\VirtualBox_amd64\ 86,3 MB
VirtualBoxPortable\App\VirtualBox_x86\ 74,7 MB
VirtualBoxPortable\App\DefaultData\ 323 Bytes

Unknown said...

It's not working in Win 7 x32 . Please checking . Thanks !

Bernat said...

Tested working.

Unknown said...

I did some more testing, and ironically the 2 lines that previously had a mistake in them (SimpleSC::StopService "${_SRC}" 1 30), and thus did not stop the services before the correction, are now causing problems when running VirtualBoxPortable twice without a reboot in between. Thus, I propose to remove the two entries "SimpleSC::StopService "${_SRC}" 1 30" in Launcher.nsh, so that VirtualBoxPortable can be run again after closing it. The services WILL be removed after a reboot, so there's no problem with leaving traces behind.

Bernat said...

I had no problem at this time when running VirtualBoxPortable twice without a reboot in between.
I think than rather than modify Launcher.nsh you can just comment lines Call DelLocalSrc in Section "Main" and Call DelPortableSrc in Function Restore.
I will test this if I have a problem.
Thanks for your tips.

Unknown said...

Are you sure you
1) ran a virtual machine before closing the first instance, and
2) waited until VirtualBoxPortable.exe was ended? (this can take up to 30 seconds)

I seriously doubt that your suggestion would solve this issue: the service will probably still get stuck in in the mode "stopping" until a reboot.

Bernat said...

I can run VirtualBoxPortable several times in the same instance of Windows (waiting a minute before closing and restart) but I know that VirtualBox can have problems I can't solve.
When I have a version working I backup before update and don't change the location (I had problems doing this: perhaps not really portable and permanent services).

My suggestion is not to solve your issue, just to have the same effect than removing the two entries "SimpleSC::StopService "${_SRC}" 1 30" in Launcher.nsh

Unknown said...

Sorry, I'm having trouble interpreting your sentence "My suggestion is not to solve your issue, just to have the same effect than removing the two entries "SimpleSC::StopService "${_SRC}" 1 30" in Launcher.nsh".

Yes, problems changing the location also point to the fact that those VirtualBox drivers are still registered. A proper removal and a reboot will solve the issue in any case.

Either way, it looks like this issue either has to do with the possibility that certain VirtualBox versions (in my case the latest 5 versions for sure) do not respond properly to the StopService command and get stuck "stopping itself", or that different Windows (10) versions respond differently to the StopService ("net stop") command.

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, I see I didn't properly respond to your previous message just yet: if I comment out "Call DelLocalSrc" in Section "Main" and "Call DelPortableSrc" in function Restore, it will completely disable the deletion of the services, even after a reboot. That's not what you'd want. If we leave "SimpleSC::RemoveService "${_SRC}"" uncommented in the src::DelLocal and src::DelPortable sections, it will at least clean up the services properly after a reboot. :)

scaraviun said...

good evening!
I only would like to ask you what to do if in future I want
to uninstall this portable version of virtualbox.
Have I only just to delete the folder where I have installed it?
Or are there some specific commands?
Thank you very much!

Bernat said...

You have only to delete VirtualBoxPortable folder.

George said...

Thanks Bernat for the great job all these years.

I never had any problem until yesterday because windows blocked the driver as unsigned and not allowed to install.

Included screen capture:

Thanks again for everything.

Bernat said...

I have not this screen with a simple launch of latest but in fact I use 5.1.30 to launch my virtual machines.
Try to go back to previous version working for you (you will found all version number in http://dlc-cdn.sun.com/virtualbox/) (5.2.8-121009 for previous).

George said...

OK I'll do that and hope for the next update.

Thanks for you time. Appreciated!

Unknown said...

XPsp3 % Version 6.0.0-127566:
- official site claims 6.0.0-127566 is for 64bit and win 7
- official setup don't run on XPsp3
Portable VirtualBox Online installs the 32bit
VirtualBoxPortable.exe and VirtualBoxPortable\App\VirtualBox_x86\VirtualBox.exe both started under XPsp3.

I am happy it works and confused why and if all features also work.
Since my experience is limited, I ask experienced users if it is ok to use it on XPsp3 or fall back to an older version

ferpavao said...

Hello there. Version 6.0.6-130049 can't install. Setup says that the file could not be downloaded.

Thanks for your time! (:

Bernat said...

Problem of certificate on their site: if you try to click "Windows hosts" in the Downloads page.
Hope they will fix soon.

Lapin said...




Jar said...

i always get an error if i plan to run it again https://ibb.co/2sqVrvs

my solution is delete the program,restart computer,New installation,then you can run it once again.

i mean It can be only run once from a new installation

thanks for the help!

Bernat said...

I have often this error loading a virtual machine but solved by only restarting computer.
New installation just extract again files and can't fix a service problem.
Therefore, when VirtualBox is closed, check the content of App folder it must contain these 4 folders:
and NO VirtualBox folder

Jar said...

thx Bernat, i found these three files cannot be deleted after run VB, only if i restart PC.


is that the problem?

Bernat said...

I don't think these files are the problem.
My question about folders was to understand why you have to delete and extract again.
Did you try to only restart computer? (after having of course closed VB and waiting few seconds)

Jar said...

u r right, only need to restart computer.

i try to solve Compatibility issue between sandbox(hypervisor) and VB before, so...

Core Dump said...

How can I customize the splash screen?

Bernat said...

By editing VirtualBoxPortable.ini
(SplashScreenName=name_of your_bitmap)

Unknown said...

Every time I download VirtualBox_Portable_6.1.x_64-bit_Multilingual_Online.exe, I get VirtualBox_Portable_6.1.x_64-bit_Multilingual_Online.exe size: 0 bytes.
If others can download it, what am I doing wrong?

Bernat said...


eseb63 said...

did anyone achieve to install windows 10 x64 on this virtualbox portable 6.1 (my host is Windows 7 x64) ?
i successfully installed windows 7 x64 pro, but no way to install windows 10 pro (i use official microsoft iso images) : it always hangs, either on windows logo, either in one of the next steps (randomly) during "collecting information"...
i tried with versions 6.1.18 and 6.1.22, with or without EFI, with or without extension pack, with ISO from Microsoft Media Creation Tool or MSDN : nothing works...
any idea?

Unknown said...

i would start the vm directly but didnt work.
i edit the VirtualBoxPortable.ini with

AdditionalParameters=startvm "VM name"

do you have a solution?

Bernat said...

Can't be done.

Bluevect said...

%ProgramData%\VirtualBox still left on the machine after program exited.
Can you move this folder to VirtualBoxPortable\Data to keep the machine clean?
Anyway, thx for this perfect portable program.

Bernat said...

Don't need to be moved in Data (only VBoxSDS logs).
Will be deleted when a necessary update needed.

Bluevect said...

Appreciate your hard work!

Alejandro Rodriguez said...

Downloads send me to an access denied page. It doesn't happen with other resources on the site.

Bernat said...

MediaFire tested working.
Try a VPN or change DNS.

byman said...

Thanks for this real useful portable app.

I think it was not an easy job.

VirtualBox portable works fine!

I was able to open my vm.

thanks again!

Julia said...

the download link gets me to


is that the correct version 7.0.6?

so it does only depend on the number I enter?


ok, it works. thx

pintcat said...

I tried the latest version 7.0.6 r155176 on Windows 11 and the virtual machine doesn't boot. It stops with this error message:

failed: 0xc0000034
(0 retries) (rc=-101)

Make sure the kernel module has been loaded successfully.

Something appears to be missing. The VM was empty, but ready configured and I was about to run a WinXP installation. Any idea how solve this issue?

Bernat said...

I can test only on Windows 10 and I have most of the time this kind of message solved by restarting windows.

pintcat said...

Thanks for the quick reply. I restarted the system several times with no success. The older VBox version 6.1.42 still runs fine so I think I'll stick with this.

Bernat said...

You can found all versions available here.

Gockel said...

VirtualBox Portable will be installed on the stick but VirtualBox will not be extracted to it. System Win11 22H2. Sorry for my bad English

Bernat said...

Tested working on Windows 10 22H2.
I can't do more, sorry.

Gockel said...

It also doesn't work for me on Win10 22H2. The Extension Pack will be installed. VirtualBox but not unpacked. Is there a log file somewhere?

Bernat said...

Perhaps your system don't allow to run the command line 109 of nsis script ( --extract --silent --path )
I can't solve a problem I can't reproduce.

Gockel said...

If the information is also useful for others. I got it running on Windows 11 now. Run the VirtualBox installation as an administrator and into a directory on the hard drive. Then copy this directory to the USB stick.
Then run VirtualBox portable as an administrator. This is how it works on Windows 11.

The_Highwayman said...

Couldn't get the Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager to launch until I separately/additionally installed Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable on the intended windows host.

Hope this helps.

(thanx for this VITAL portable version especially for Oracle VM VirtualBox 7.x)

小v可 said...

i'm not run in win11 23h2,i open the windows sandbox.
the code VirtualBoxVM.exe': 0xc0000190

dim said...

Vboxsup driver always stuck at "stop pending" after closing the application or pc goes to sleep, and doesn't let you start any machine thereafter. Only problem after all those years.

Mancubus said...

I encountered the same problem as others with installer not unpacking the vbox itself. I managed to unpack it manually, but what is the expected folder structure for the launcher? Where does it look for vbox's exe?

Thanks in advance and thanks for continuing working on this.

Bernat said...

As you can read in Other\Source\_VirtualBoxPortableInstaller.nsi
.msi is extracted with --extract --silent --path
Then binaries are extracted with msiexec

Path expected by launcher is

Mancubus said...

Thanks a lot for explaining, it worked for me.

Much appreciated!

eseb63 said...

i faced some issues to install and use VirtualBoxPortable v 7.x on Windows 10.

1) Virtualbox is not extracted in the target folder, only the extension : it's quite weird, i tried several times without success, even after disabling the antivirus, but sometimes it works, even with the antivirus enabled

workaround : see in appdata\local\temp (sometimes, VirtualBox is extracted in the temp folder, but not copied in the target install folder)

2) launching any virtual machine fails with message "supR3HardenedDllNotificationCallback: supR3HardenedScreenImage failed on '\VirtualBoxVM.exe' / '\??\\VirtualBoxVM.exe': 0xc0000190 Status VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR (rc = -225)

the virtualbox folder structure in the temp folder has "system" as owner, but when copying the files in the target folder, these permissions are lost (inherit from those in the target folder)
in the hardening log, we see : TrustedInstaller is not the owner of VirtualBoxVM.exe

workarounds :
a) change the owner to "system" for the app\virtualbox targetfolder (and for the childs)

property => security tab => "advanced" button => change the owner to "system" => ok => tick the checkbox "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects" => ok

b) don't finish the install and copy the temp virtualbox folder with robocopy or fastcopy, which can preserve the acls with the correct settings

bernat, might you modify the nsis script to copy files from temp folder with the acl (i saw that the accesscontrol plugin handles that) ?

3) launching any virtual machine fails with message "NtCreateFile(\Device\VBoxDrvStub) failed: 0xc000000e STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE (rc=-101)"
it occurs after exiting VirtualBox, then restarting it and launching a virtual machine : the vboxsup service remains in stop_pending state after exiting VirtualBox

workaround : reboot Windows

4) manually installing bridged network drivers

the network drivers are extracted but not installed ; manually installing VBoxNetFlt or VBoxNetFltM drivers fails with message "adding driver to the driver store failed" because there is an issue about the signature.

workaround : temporarily disable Windows driver signature enforcement

- before installing drivers with pnputil Windows tool : see https://www.minitool.com/news/install-unsigned-drivers-windows-10.html

- before launching VirtualBox (or make it permanent but it requires to disable secure boot in Windows bios)

i hope this will help other VirtualBox Portable users ...

Bernat said...

Thanks for these detailed remarks.
Never encountered problem with extraction (better use default path: drive:\PortableApps\VirtualBoxPortable).
Had to restart Windows if I close and restart VBox (sometimes after first launch).
It's better to install VirtualBox.

Murdock said...

when i run virtualbox the splash is came out and then nothing happen, i'm using windows 11 23h2 x64 latest update, any guide solve this?

Bernat said...

Sorry, tested only on Windows 10 22H2. Better install the program than use this portable.

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