Anonimity online without installation.
Download Portable Tor 32-64 bit Online (1.0 MB) 13/10/23
In first screen enter: 14.0.7
Tor Portable is to be used with portable browsers of this blog and is NOT Tor Browser (version entered is only to create download link).
Installer check if Firefox, Opera, PaleMoon, SeaMonkey, Thunderbird & Pidgin Portable is found in expected folders to extract Tor launchers and settings.
Extract and run TorPortable.
Wait "Bootstrapped 100%: Done." in Tor console then run *TorPortable launchers.
For Chromium based portable browsers (Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi, Slimjet...) edit *Portable.ini with:
AdditionalParameters=--proxy-server="socks5://localhost:9050" --host-resolver-rules="MAP * , EXCLUDE localhost"
76 commentaires:
where is TorPortable launchers
i can not find it!!!!!!
Are there any way to hide the icon in task bar?
No, and it's a good thing otherwise you will forget to close Tor.
Installed the app. Ran this version till the bootstapper said 100%. I have tried with both the MS Dos box open and slosed. I tried to launch Firefox through the icon "FirefoxTorPortable" and nothing happened. Please help.
Of course you must not close DOS windows and FirefoxPortable from this blog.
Tested with Firefox 27.0
Expected paths:
Settings created on first run in:
The online installer won't let me
check the Firefox (or other browser)
option, so I am not able to install
the browser launcher.
Any suggestion?
You must have a PortableApps folder at the root of your drive and extract all portable apps without changing default paths of installers.
You can't check or uncheck Tor portable launchers: only extracted if portable found.
*TorPortable launchers execute app executable (in App\*\) with specifics proxy settings.
Sources in \TorPortable\Other\
Not sure if I'm doing something wrong.
I run Tor Portable installer, enter version number (it detects Firefox Portable), but install fails with error:
"Download tor- SendRequest Error"
Also tried this:
I downloaded "tor-" from Tor ftp site https://www.torproject.org/dist/win32/ and place it in same location as Tor Portable Installer to see if it could pick it up from there, with no success.
No problem for me downloading with installer.
Installer updated to extract from tor- if found in its folder.
Now it works fine for me installing with "offline method".
Thank you very much, Bernat.
Just one thing: locally installed Flash player and other plugins detected by Torified Firefox will break anonymity, so, plugins should all be set to "Never Activate" from about:addons (Can use decloaking tests from ip-score.com to test this)
Post should be updated.
Tor is available since 20 May 2014:
Still have the same issue. New computer, clean install. All portableapps running off os a USB 3.0 with folder \portableapps\ as the install location. I installed the new version on the USB. I ran this version till the bootstapper said 100% in the DOS box. I tried to launch Firefox through "E:\PORTABLEAPPS\FirefoxPortable\FirefoxTorPortable" and nothing happened. Please help.
New computer, new install, same issue. Running off of my E drive (USB 3.0). Installed the app with 0.4.22 until the bootstapper said 100% (Note, no Vidalia screen). Left the MS Dos box open. I tried to launch Firefox through the "E:\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable" and "E:\PortableApps\FirefoxTorPortable" and nothing happened. Please help.
Update. If I run "FirefoxTorPortable" TWICE, I get an error that firefox closed unexpectantly due to an add-on or other problem. If I allow it to open in "SafeMode" correctly, it works. Are there any add-ons or other items that are not compatible with TOR. I disabled FoxyProxy (Don't know how to use it correctly) thinking that was the problem with no resolution. Thanks
Tested with FirefoxPortable 30.0 from this blog.
Problem seems to be with Firefox and not TOR, so test without TOR:
FirefoxPortable.exe should launch Firefox that can connect and store settings in Data\Firefox.
FirefoxTorPortable.exe should launch Firefox but can't connect and store settings in ProfileTor.
Tested with FirefoxPortable 30.0 from this blog.
Problem seems to be with Firefox and not TOR, so test without TOR:
FirefoxPortable.exe should launch Firefox that can connect and store settings in Data\Firefox.
FirefoxTorPortable.exe should launch Firefox but can't connect and store settings in ProfileTor.
Tested with FirefoxPortable 30.0 from this blog.
Problem seems to be with Firefox and not TOR, so test without TOR:
FirefoxPortable.exe should launch Firefox that can connect and store settings in Data\Firefox.
FirefoxTorPortable.exe should launch Firefox but can't connect and store settings in ProfileTor.
Hi Bernat,
can't get TorPortable to run on Windows 7/64bit (i5),
but it runs without problems on my other machine with XP/32bit SP3 (P4).
Everything is installed on correct folders and paths, recommended by you:
On Win7, when I run TorPortable.exe, nothing happens, no DOS Window, nothing...
I followed the execution with "Sysinternals Process Explorer"
and I see TorPortable.exe showing on PE (no window/s either),
but quits 1 or 2 seconds after...
Can you guess what's going on?
Thanks in advance.
Tested working on a clean Windows 7 64 bit.
I can't do more.
Just so others understand because I know I was quite confused initially. Just because you already have a running Mozilla Firefox on your pc doesn't mean this will work. You need to install PortableAppz Firefox version, that way when you go to install Tor it will have the check for the Firefox version as it will be looking in the correct folder for the correct version.
on both machines, XP & Win7,
Firefox, Opera, PaleMoon, SeaMonkey, Thunderbird & Pidgin from this site
are installed with all the correct Paths recommended by Bernat,
on XP, all those 5 programs work and run ok with Tor Portable,
the problem is, on Win7, Tor refuses completly to open and run...
Just for the info:
on the very same machine with Win7, I have the latest official Tor Bundle
and the TPB PirateBrowser, and both runs without problems.
TPB PirateBrowser (with Vidalia included) is a much better solution
for ppl that needs to quicly change of IP and without restarting the browser (Firefox).
Anyway, besides of this fault or incomplete fully compatibility on all machines/OSes
with this version of Tor Portable, I want to express my gratitude to Bernat
for all his great and wonderful work.
What settings are changed in Firefox? I have another program that automatically updates Firefox portable [Thank you Zack]
I am running Windows 7, so Leba Ant's comments may also come into play
FirefoxTorPortable uses its own profile in Data (ProfileTor).
Read prefs.js and _FirefoxTorPortable.nsi in TorPortable\Other\Source\ to know what is done.
This Portable Tor is outdated.
Last stable version of Tor is and now it's available in ZIP format here:
No esta claro en que forma y en que carpeta va instalado.
Podría explicar con ejemplo, gracias.
It is not clear in what form and in what folder it is installed.
I could explain with an example, thank you.
Did you read this before?
Did you create a PortableApps folder at the root of your drive?
Diud you extract first at least one of these portables (Firefox, Opera, PaleMoon, SeaMonkey, Thunderbird & Pidgin)?
Did you read all above comments?
Hi Bernat,
I have successful created a portable version of Tor + Firefox: thanks for Your work.
It's possible create an installer of Tor for Chromium ?
I have googled for 'Chromium with Tor' and found on Medium site.
Author writes the followed batch file for run SR Iron (chrome.exe) after run portable Tor:
@echo off
echo move to the browser and start it incognito mode and with Tor
cd IronPortable
cd Iron
echo wait 20s for Tor to start
ping -n 21 > nul
chrome.exe — incognito — proxy-server=”socks5://localhost:9050" — host-resolver-rules=”MAP * , EXCLUDE localhost”
unfortunately I can not post related url (it's a https link).
Thanks for your help, post updated.
You have just to edit the ini file of the browser's launcher.
Hi Bernat,
'tor-win32-' is out (April 15, 2017).
1. repository: '//dist.torproject.org/torbrowser/7.0a3/'
2. direct download link: 'https://dist.torproject.org/torbrowser/7.0a3/tor-win32-'
Your Tor installer works also offline?
Enter and 7.0a3
Online installer is also setup extractor if found tor-win32- in its folder.
Thanks for update.
I put and 7.0.5 in the setup of the launcher but tor browser ic not installed ( online + offline )
Only Tor Portable is installed.
Can this be fixed?
I have XP+sp3+updates
Nothing to fix.
This don't install tor browser but only Tor to be used with portable browsers listed.
Then why 7.0.5 is needed to input?
Can you portabilize TorBrowser?
The last version is 5.5.4 on PortableAppS and updating to 7.0.5 don't work (for me). Only update to 6.5.2 and 7.0.5 are needed to create the download link:
You must have installed before one of the browsers listed.
TorBrowser is yet portable:
others languages
Hi Bernat,
Your launcher works also offline with 'tor-win64-' or I must rename it as ''tor-win32-' ?
I have found Tor 64 bit version at 'https://dist.torproject.org/torbrowser/8.0.1/'
32-64 bit added.
Tor portable starts, open rhe console then close himself on XPsp3
Without your launcher, it connects and keep open.
Can you fix the launcher?
I can't reproduce your problem.
How can I trace the launch failure?
\App\Tor\Tor.exe in app folder when started, stay open and connected
Tor started by launcher open console, start connecting and before 70% close himself
Maybe some wrong paths in launcher config?
launcher's source is _TorPortable.nsi in Other\Source
line 93:create a shorcut Tor.lnk in App\Tor
The target of this shorcut is:
D:\PortableApps\TorPortable\App\Tor\tor.exe -f D:\PortableApps\TorPortable\Data\Tor\torrc
(path should be different on your system)
-f switch point to torrc file containing:
DataDirectory D:\PortableApps\TorPortable\Data\Tor
GeoIPFile D:\PortableApps\TorPortable\App\Data\Tor\geoip
GeoIPv6File D:\PortableApps\TorPortable\App\Data\Tor\geoip6
HiddenServiceStatistics 0
No error in paths.
Try to launch with the above command-line in a DOS console.
Runned, here is the console capture
D:\PortableApps\TorPortable>D:\PortableApps\TorPortable\App\Tor\tor.exe -f D:\PortableApps\TorPortable\Data\Tor\torrc
Nov 15 10:55:04.220 [notice] Tor (git-da95b91355248ad8) running on Windows XP with Libevent 2.1.8-stable, OpenSSL 1.0.2p, Zlib 1.2.11, Liblzma N/A, and Libzstd N/A.
Nov 15 10:55:04.251 [notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at https://www.torproject.org/download/download#warning
Nov 15 10:55:08.407 [warn] Unable to open configuration file "D:\PortableApps\TorPortable\Data\Tor\torrc".
Nov 15 10:55:08.407 [err] Reading config failed--see warnings above.
Press any key to continue . . .
Check D:\PortableApps\TorPortable\Data\Tor\torrc
D:\PortableApps\TorPortable\Data\ had only one file:TorPortable.ini
the "\Tor\torrc"
was created by the installer in: D:\PortableApps\TorPortable\App\Data
moved as you suggested
Now it worke
Thank you
Can you fix the installer?
Launcher updated.
Thanks for reporting bug.
Not working in
D:\Downloads_2018\11_nov\Tor 32-64 bit\TorPortable
Maybe the paths in torrc should be inside ""?
When moved to D:\PortableApps\TorPortable it is working
"Maybe the paths in torrc should be inside"
Read in torrc yourself: should be updated by launcher.
it is updated by launcher (new paths)
with spaces, without quotes
and in this case (spaces in paths) tor closes shortly after launch
Maybe the launcher should quote the paths hr put in torrc file?
torrc don't use quotes and accept spaces.
if TorPortable folder is in a path WITHOUT SPACES it works.
Moving it to a path WITH SPACES make tor crash when reading geoip.
Moving it back, it works again.
The path is updated in torrc, noatter where I put the TorPortable.
If the path has spaces, tor can't read geoip files.
I try to quote manually the paths in torrc but the launcher unquote them before launch tor and tor still crash.
Can you make TorPortable accept spaces in path? Or put a warning?
NSIS sources in Other: you are free to edit and recompile.
I don't have the tools or knowledge to fix and recompile.
I thought that being able to work nomatter the used semantic for path will be an improvement for TorPortable.
Expected paths to run my portables are described here.
"Installer check if Firefox, Opera, PaleMoon, SeaMonkey, Thunderbird & Pidgin Portable is found in expected folders to extract Tor launchers and settings."
If you don't use expected path there is no sense to use tor alone: you will no have Tor launchers and settings.
i have chrome on D:\apps\Chrome and tor on D:\000\TorPortable (2 different folder)
and only for your curiosity, while i'm waiting to understand your tor portable, i use nice app psiphon.exe, fast, portable, free, simply wonderfull! but i want understand your tor project!
Edit ChromePortable.ini with:
AdditionalParameters=--proxy-server="socks5://localhost:9050" --host-resolver-rules="MAP * , EXCLUDE localhost"
first i run torportable. after (with edit ChromePortable.ini) i run chrome but i do not reach that blocked site...
Tested working
sorry, but i don't have same result of your screenshot... on TorPortable folder i must have chrome folder? or viceversa?
For Chromium based portable browsers folders don't matter.
(of course you don't close Tor console before closing Chrome)
i don't understand where is my error...
this is my chrome ini file:
AdditionalParameters=--proxy-server="socks5://localhost:9050" --host-resolver-rules="MAP * , EXCLUDE localhost"
after i have your version of tor. run tor project (before) - bootstrapped 100% done - then (after) my chrome portable. now i check if my connection is protected on:
and i receive this message: "Sorry. Tor it is not in use"
why???? (i repeat: i have chrome to one folder and tor to another folder...)
if i run tor browser (download from torproject.org) this work correctly, when i check my connection on check.torproject.org i'm connected effectively on tor network...!
Your error is 2 values for same entry AdditionalParameters: only the first (empty) is used.
Delete or comment (; AdditionalParameters=) the first.
Edit don't means add the line at the end.
yes, now work correctly! i have delete line AdditionalParameters= (empty)
tanxs for your support! bye
Hi Bernat,
for Opera 58.0.3135.107 (64 bit) is necessary to edit OperaChromePortable.ini with additional parameters and/or use OperaTorPortable.exe ?
How to works OperaTorPortable.exe ? Runs it directly Tor and Opera ?
Opera 58 is launched by OperaChromePortable.exe and need OperaChromePortable.ini edited to use Tor.
Opera 12 is not Chromium based and need to be launched by OperaTorPortable.exe to use Tor (launched by OperaPortable.exe without Tor).
Thank, it works perfectly.
Tor stable released https://blog.torproject.org/node/1872
- binaries 32/64 bit are on https://dist.torproject.org/torbrowser/9.5a13/
Guys, please help me.
1. i downloaded portable tor 32-64 bit online. (and opera from this blog).
2. then i clicked torportable exe
3. ok then i see Bootstrapped 100%: Done.
4. what is the next step?
Please help
Edit OperaChromePortable.ini with:
AdditionalParameters=--proxy-server="socks5://localhost:9050" --host-resolver-rules="MAP * , EXCLUDE localhost"
(don't add another line but add the above parameter after AdditionalParameters= yet present)
Then run OperaChromePortable.exe
Don't frget to close Tor console after closing Opera.
means my operachrome will matter:
AdditionalParameters=yet present
host-resolver-rules="MAP * , EXCLUDE localhost"
No, the "yet present" just means that you have just to add the parameter after the "=".
OperaGXPortable.ini must be as follow (order of entries don't matter but can't be duplicated):
AdditionalParameters=--proxy-server="socks5://localhost:9050" --host-resolver-rules="MAP * , EXCLUDE localhost"
When Bootstrapped 100%: Done, run OperaGXPortable.exe and you can test it's working with:
Thank you so so much Bernat, its amazing.
Thank you Bernat, at last I am able to use the Tor Portable from you after I *read carefully* your information, and realized that it is used in conjunction with portable browsers from your blog. In this case I use the default counterpart browser, that is Firefox Portable also from your blog, after running the TorPortable.exe, let the MS-DOS box remain opened, then run FirefoxTORPortable.exe -- should run in this order! Tested with Tor v14.0.2 and Firefox v132.0.2 -- comment dated 2024-11-20 -- Cheers from Asia. Again, thank you for your many many years works!
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