A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.
You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.
On Vista and above turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.

04 March 2025

Password manager without installation.
Download Portable KeePass Multiversion Multilingual Online (0.5 MB) 09/01/18
Select language and enter: 2.58 or 1.43
2.x needs Microsoft .NET Framework ≥ 2.0.
More languages

Extract and run KeePass1Portable or KeePass2Portable.
Settings of installed KeePass should be preserved.

16 commentaires:

Unknown said...

Salut M'sieur Bernat !
Une petite question : quelle différence entre la version portable officielle et celle que tu publies ?
Avec mes remerciements pour la qualité et la régularité (... sans compter la générosité !) de ton travail.

Bernat said...

Peu de différences :
Télécharger et configurer automatiquement la langue.
Déplacer les réglages dans Data.
Voir Source dans Other.

Unknown said...

Merci pour la réponse ! :)

jooseng said...

For ver 2.24
When changing language, the program need to be restarted. But when the program restarted, the launcher "KeePass2Portable.exe" has already exit.
This cause the config file "KeePass.config.xml" not move to data folder when the program exit. Also cause the program unable to start in next use.

Bernat said...

For me it's rather a bug of latest version witch delete entry in KeePass.config.xml when changing language and crashes if don't found this entry.

If you have a Chinese (lngid:1028) Windows and Chinese_Traditional.lngx file in App\KeePass2 launcher set Chinese language in xml.

Otherwise edit Data\KeePass2\KeePass.config.xml line 8 with:

jooseng said...

When I check with ver 2.23, same thing happen.
I also check the winPenPacks (http://www.winpenpack.com/main/download.php?view.1095) version.
It just make a backup copy, rather than move, of "KeePass.config.xml" when exit seems solve the problem.

Bernat said...

Fixed default KeePass.config.xml (with Meta key).
No more crash for me.
But in no case let a portable app restart itself.
Click on No, close and restart by launcher.

George said...

Hi Bernat,
I'm trying to create portable version of an app called Beyond Compare.
I have to create .XML so I used example from attached KeePass, everything is ok except (File "/oname=$EXEDIR\Data\${APP}2\*.config.xml" "*.config.xml".
When I compile the lancher it does not start. I even tried with the attached KeePass example and did not start.
How do I create (\KeePass.config.xml). The .XML was not attached in the keePass sample.
Thanks in advance.

Bernat said...

Open KeePass2Portable.exe with 7-Zip and you will found KeePass.config.xml in $EXEDIR\Data\KeePass2\$EXEDIR\Data\KeePass2\

George said...

Thanks as always Bernat. I extracted
KeePass.config.xml as said but don't know what the problem is the launcher won't start. I'm on Windows 8.1 x64.
Anytime I tried nsisXML::create my launchers will not start. Any suggestions?
Again thank you so much.

Bernat said...

Installer updated for languages.
_KeePassPortable.nsi compiled successfully from Source.
Have you nsisXML.dll?

George said...

Yes i have the nsisXML but I used the one in the binU folder. Just downloaded again. Which folder do I have to copy and where?
In the nsisXML folder I get bin, binU nsisXML.
Thanks for your time and the great job you do as always.

Bernat said...

Copy the content of bin in NSIS\Plugins
and the content of binU in NSIS\Unicode\Plugins (not used)

George said...

Great job as always. The newly updated installer did it. The launcher started after compiling.

_JVCOM_ said...

version 2.45

Download of KeePass-2.45.zip: SendRequest Error

Bernat said...

Download links came back.

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