Archive manager without installation.
Download Portable WinRAR Multiversion Online (0.3 MB) 24/01/22
Select language and enter 711 or 710 or 701 or 624*.
32 bit no more available: don't check.
*Read download link to know if available in your language. If not: run installer in english with 711 (will be localized if you downloaded previous in your language).
Arabic, Armenian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Euskera, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Mongolian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese Brazilian, Romanian, Russian, Serbian Cyrillic, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
Extract and run WinRARPortable.
WinRAR use no more registry: only ini file.
Settings of installed WinRAR should be preserved.
33 commentaires:
Thank you so much! Perfect! :D
(Japanise install error.
crash rar commandline Program
! 7z.fmt Module problem version.WinRAR Reinstall Please.
! ace.fmt Module problem version.WinRAR Reinstall Please.
! arj.fmt Module problem version.WinRAR Reinstall Please.
! bz2.fmt Module problem version.WinRAR Reinstall Please.
! cab.fmt Module problem version.WinRAR Reinstall Please.
! gz.fmt Module problem version.WinRAR Reinstall Please.
! iso.fmt Module problem version.WinRAR Reinstall Please.
! lzh.fmt Module problem version.WinRAR Reinstall Please.
! tar.fmt Module problem version.WinRAR Reinstall Please.
! uue.fmt Module problem version.WinRAR Reinstall Please.
! xz.fmt Module problem version.WinRAR Reinstall Please.
! z.fmt Module problem version.WinRAR Reinstall Please.
You are right.
Installer for beta updated.
Interesting, but .SFX and .chm are also localized and languages such as Italian are localized in .exe itself (no winrar.lng or rarlng.dll).
Official 5.00 b5 for both SimpChinese and TradChinese are out (http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm).
But installer not install correctly instead it installed the English ver.
Is there an Offline version of this installer please ?
No: too much languages.
Bernat Thank you very much for your work ! Use your portable versions of programs and very happy. Success to you in your work. I greet you from Ukraine. With best regards, Dmitry.
Hi Bernat, thank you very much for the blog. I noticed that italian version's links, in RARLAB site, are old; backup links are:
thanks, bye.
Yeah it keeps asking for a version number...ive tried them all and it doesnt work.
Please, read before reporting:
"Select language and enter 501 or 420"
Works OK in win8.1 but shell integration does not work!!
Any work around this? A must have feature when working with a lot of files.
This can be done using registry but would be a bad thing: since 5.20 WinRAR can use only a ini file and this advantage in potability has to be kept.
You can simply use drag'n drop.
Ciao there is a possibility to insert the command "estrai qui" , "estract here" , "extractirai tuka" , command that are aviable in a normal version of WinRAR installed with an installer ? I think that is possible becuase in older version of XP i can insert the commmand "copia" , "copy" , "copirai", into particular task with the register of WIndows
Yet answered above.
For me not are answers at my questions there are answers for problem with the languages ? I quest if there is the possibily when i do a right-click TO have in the menu the option "extract here" thanks
You can use Extract to the specified folder for "Extract to" or "Extract without confirmation" for "Extract here"
More context menu in installed version result of shell integration by registry and will not be done.
Sorry but i have this: http://ultraimg.com/image/6mDw Why for you i have this ?
My first answer was the good.
You expect a right click menu in Windows Explorer, I did a right click on a fie in WinRAR main windows.
I get this error.
Any clue?
Can you download with this link?
If you can, retry, installer use the same link for english 32 bit.
BitDefender displays a virus warning and blocks installation. Doesn't happen with other Portable installation pacages though. Any info on this? A false positive maybe?
WinRAR (Japan) File name change「*j.exe」to「*jp.exe」
every download I try including winrar i get a request error. for example on winrar: winrarx64-580.exe not found in c;/xxx
or I calibre the error says: download of calibre-64bi.msi request error
in the past i never had any trouble using your downloads for years. I want to thank you for your hard work.
Try to download winrar-x64-580.exe in same folder as online installer: it will run as setup extractor.
thenks you!
Merci beaucoup! Merveilleux collection des programs.
RarEst Package.msix is missing from 61b1 and this has been a problem with other versions.I have tried adding missing dills in order to have winrar in the right click menu. but no hack works.
RarExt.dll is deleted because a portable app is not integrated in system.
Can I use my own license file?
No, sorry: rarreg is extracted and overwritten by launcher.
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