A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.
You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.
On Vista and above turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.

08 March 2025

Fastest web browser that blocks all ads and protects your privacy without installation.
Download Portable Slimjet Online (0.7 MB) 18/01/17
For XP and Vista Download Portable Slimjet Online (0.7 MB) 02/03/17
PPAPI Flash Plugins

Extract and run SlimjetPortable.
Settings of installed Slimjet should be preserved.

33 commentaires:

Unknown said...

awesome! thanks

Alexandra said...

a very very special browser, from when it came out I use this instead of chrome dev and I am fine especially for discourse adblock and various advertisements, very recommended

Unknown said...

Dowload problem... Can you help?

Bernat said...

No, without more details.

Alexandra said...

da Creta What problem you are having with download?
for me I just tried it and it's alright
describe the problem

Saua said...

Hi. I´m using Slimjet, but having problems with the IDM integration. Is there a way to run Slimjet without Administrators previleges? Because IDM shows troubles whiles running Slimjet with previleges.
Thanks in advance.

Bernat said...

Sorry, I don't know.
I don't use IDM and have always admin rights.

Saua said...

Bernat. Is it possible to run Slimjet without admin rights?

Bernat said...

I don't know.

Alexandra said...

Bernat The latest update is to version

Unknown said...

hello, can you upload the last version of this program 19.0.6?

Alexandra said...

excuse me bernat came out the update to version

Bernat said...

Thanks Alexandra for update.

Alexander Foxx said...

Good time!

I do not download the new version and does not unpack 64 bit
it looks like they have new branches


arko said...

Portable installer installs old version, not
Can you please fix it ? Thank You!

Bernat said...

Nothing to fix: tested.

arko said...

32 bit version, forgot to mention, sorry.
64 bit is ok.
I think they changed something on download url.

Bernat said...

32 bit is also

Marius said...

Is not fully portable.
When I copy to another PC, extensions, settings are not saved.
Can be fixed, please ?

Bernat said...

Nothing to fix.
Portability tested.

Unknown said...

Hi Bernat,

Thank for Portable Slimjet. Whenever I launch Slimjet_Portable_32-64-bit_Multilingual_Online, it seems fail to download sfx_blabla_x64.exe. May be they change the download URLs.

Bernat said...

No problem for me.
Link used is: http://www.slimjet.com/release/sjt7z_x64.exe

Lucius said...

same error of unknow user above: when run Slimjet_Portable_32-64-bit_Multilingual_Online.exe fail to download (see my screeshot here: https://i.postimg.cc/DzsbRYrN/sshot-01.jpg)
with your link post abobe (http://www.slimjet.com/release/sjt7z_x64.exe) Slimjet_Portable work fine, but fail to download original exe setup file.

Bernat said...

Same answer as above.
If you can download sjt7z_x64.exe just run online installer in same folder (will run as setup extractor).

Lucius said...

yes, work if i have installer.exe on same folder of Slimjet_Portable.
problem is your Slimjet_Portable.exe: don't download installer!

Bernat said...

"problem is your Slimjet_Portable.exe: don't download installer!"
Problem is only on your side.

Montana Man said...

This program downloads fine, but as soon as you begin installation an error message is displayed, which says:
'sjtz_x64.exe not found in [Installation Folder] and downloaded: SendRequest Error'

Nothing is copied to the installation folder, and there are only two files (7z.dll and 7z.exe) copied to the temp folder at [UserPath]\AppData\Local\Temp\SlimjetPortableTemp.

Bernat said...

Tested working
Check your internet.
Online installer is also setup extractor if found sjt7z_x64.exe in its folder.

@L59 said...

bonjour la dernière version ne se lance pas ?

Bernat said...

Si, pour moi (Windows 10 22H2 64 bits).

@L59 said...

ok peut être du a mon OS 8.1 du coup

claudeminimx@gmail.com said...

Slimjet 32-64 bit (7 déc-2023)
impossible de télécharger,il semble que le programme ne se branche pas au serveur de téléchargement,,
windows 11 22h2 64bits,,32 & 64 bits

Bernat said...

Le site semble de nouveau accessible.

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