A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.
You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.
On Vista and above turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.

17 March 2025

Utility to fix, speed up, maintain and protect your PC without installation.
Download Portable GlaryUtilities Online (1.2 MB) 11/12/23

Extract and run GlaryUtilitiesPortable.
If you want free version write Version=FREE in GlaryUtilitiesPortable.ini
Settings of installed GlaryUtilities should be preserved.

32 commentaires:

Unknown said...

Exelente programa gracias salu2 ;D

jooseng said...

ver can't get pro. The sn/cr not work. I have a working sn:

Bernat said...

Thanks for Regcode.
Installer updated.

Largo said...


voila le french langage


Unknown said...


le french langage c 'est pour la version 3 ,j'avais oublié de preciser


Unknown said...

Gracias por el programa, pero no carga el idioma español.

Bernat said...

Error of Spanish translator.
Edit GlaryUtilitiesPortable\App\GlaryUtilities3\languages\spain.lng
replace [Idioma] by [Language]

Unknown said...

Thanks Bernat, the translator isn't good but is possible to work.

Unknown said...

Any chance to have the freeware version of Glary Utilities for us freewarians? :)

Bernat said...

PRO and FREE have same setup and files.
Installer updated.
If you want free version write Version=FREE in GlaryUtilities3Portable.ini

Unknown said...

Thanks for the FREE version :)

Unknown said...

Tested on WinXP SP3, I can't launch any utility from the main panel(i.e. Registry Repair, Disk Cleaner, etc) :(

Bernat said...

No problem for me.

Unknown said...

Tested on WinXP SP3, I can't launch any utility from the main panel(i.e. Registry Repair, Disk Cleaner, etc) :(

Same thing for me on Win7, some utilites don't work, from V3, V2 is ok.

Bernat said...

No problem for me: I can't do more.

Jalbot said...

En Windows 8.1 se inicia el programa pero a los pocos segundos se produce un cierre inesperado, alguna solucion, gracias.

Bernat said...

I can't test on Windows 8.1 but no problem on Windows 8 64 bit

Zeti Kurnia Vikri said...

Hi Bernard, thanks for this.. yesterday, when I open the application, it asked me to apply an update. Can I apply update and the program still in pro version? or I should download the portableappz installer above?

Bernat said...

Latest program version is but you can click on "Check for Updates" to update database.
For me: Database Date: 2014-06-17

drahcirodip said...

just tested Glary Utilities PRO on win7 x64. it leaves folder in C/Users/user/AppData/Roaming/GlarySoft and reg entries in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GlarySof. downloaded the full setup (Glary Utilities PRO Multilingual.7z (9.16MB)) from jooseng mirror.

Bernat said...

No such entries left.
Managed by launcher:
!define REGKEY1 "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GlarySoft"

!define LOCALDIR1 "$APPDATA\GlarySoft"
!define SUBDIR1 "\Glary Utilities 5"
!define PORTABLEDIR1 "$EXEDIR\Data\${APP}"
!define DEFAULTPORTABLEDIR1 "$EXEDIR\App\DefaultData\${APP}"

Unknown said...

Perhaps this is v. and not v. ?

Bernat said...


Katalin Csángó said...

and this was banned by chrome -

FFP said...

gracias por la actulizaciones, siempre descargo desde aqui, te sigo desde hace años


Unknown said...

Bernat! There are new version - Thank's

Bernat said...

Updated. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Unzipped and run but shows as a FREE version. Any suggestion?

Bernat said...

No. Tested PRO.

KeR said...

do you test this ultimate version

Bernat said...


lesinf said...

...but how can offer a pizza to the author of PortableAppz? I can't find the usual DONATE links. thanks

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