A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.
You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.
On Vista and above turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.

19 March 2025

Organize, secure and customize your mail without installation.
Portable Daily 32-64 bit MultiVersion Online (0.5 MB) 06/10/17
In first screen enter: 138.0a1
Portable Thunderbird MultiVersion 32-64 bit Multilingual Online (0.5 MB) 07/08/18
Select language and enter Version Number: 137.0b3 or 136.0.1 or 128.8.1esr or 115.18.0

Extract and run ThunderbirdPortable.
Multilingual Online will download setup in selected language (Afrikaans, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, German, Greek, English, SpanishInternational, Spanish, Basque, Finnish, French, Irish, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Dutch, NorwegianNynorsk, Polish, PortugueseBR, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Ukrainian, SimpChinese) and extract files.

Multi-Users: change Profile by editing ThunderbirdPortable.ini with User=NameOfNewUser
Associated to Firefox Portable if FirefoxPortable and ThunderbirdPortable folders are in the same folder. A link clicked in a mail will be opened in Firefox Portable (don't work on Windows 8 and above).

Settings of installed Thunderbird should be preserved.

20 commentaires:

Unknown said...

Fine program. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Thank You!

Unknown said...

Thank you. Great job!

didpoy said...

How to associate the mailto under Windows 10? Thank you

Bernat said...

I don't know.

didpoy said...

French don't download !!

Bernat said...

Error: it's 52.5.2

Unknown said...

thunderbird new version is 64.0a1

check control

Anonymous said...

Hello Bernat,
Lately,i cannot transfer the data file from the old version to the new one without being able to keep all my personal files.I never had this issue for many years.I always do that for all my portable softwares(ex:firefox,Chrome,vilvadi etc,,)
The new version,, instead of opening with all my informations,opens up with a new inscription..If i use the one from portableapps,i do not have this issue.
I prefer to use yours,since you are always uptodate with your softwares several days before the others,,Honestly you are hard to beat..
thank you

Bernat said...

Sorry, no time to spend.
Use what is working for you.

Aliki said...

How do I add an addon to portable version?

Bernat said...

Same as non portable.
Add-on add from a file (downloaded xpi for instance)
xpi will be kept in ThunderbirdPortable\Data\Thunderbird\extensions\

misar said...

Unless I have missed something this is NOT a true portable version of TB.
It writes both configuration data and profiles to C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\
You can move the profile but not where it writes the other data.

Bernat said...

Of course configuration data and profile is created in
(a useless Thunderbird folder containing empty folders is now created in %appdata% and this will be fixed on update)
No reason to write "NOT": I can read "not".
Sources in Other: you are free to modify and compile.

monk said...

i have this message at startup
"Last exit of ThunderbirdPortable did'nt restore settings.
Would you try to restore local and backup portable settings
Is it possible to avoid this ?

Bernat said...

Tutorial (on top)
In abnormal use you will get some error messages:
Check good exit
"Last exit of ...Portable did'nt restore settings." appears if Windows crached or was shutting down while portable was running: launcher did not have been able to restore local and backup portable settings and will do it before a new launch (recommended acceptance).

monk said...

thanks for reply,
so is it possible to automatically and cleanly close Thunderbirdportable
perhaps with a batch or to accept by default or automaticaly when the message appears ?

Bernat said...

Just close Thunderbird by the cross in top right of its windows and the next time you will not have this message.
This is a security to restore settings and have not to be disabled or hide.

Unknown said...

Hi Bernat, may I suggest that you disable updates via registry setting? A portable should not be updated if the user does not want it to be updated.



Bernat said...

Useless, this is yet done with
user_pref("app.update.auto", false);
in prefs.js

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