A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.
You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.
On Vista and above turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.

23 May 2024

PC Optimization and Cleaning without installation.
Download Portable CCleaner Online (0.9 MB) 14/12/23
Select Edition and enter: 624
Don't click twice on Next after entering version: just wait next dialog.
Disconnect from internet if it frooze
Winapp2 included.

File and Disk Defragmentation without installation.
Download Portable Defraggler Online (0.8 MB) 22/05/18
In first screen enter: 222 for version 2.22.995

Undelete, Unerase, File and Disk Recovery without installation.
Download Portable Recuva Online (0.8 MB) 28/03/22
In first screen enter: 153 for version 1.53.2096

System Information without installation.
Download Portable Speccy Online (0.8 MB) 21/05/18
In first screen enter: 132 for version 1.32.803

Extract and run *Portable.
Language set by launcher according UserDefaultLang (if you don't want: write UserDefaultLang=false in *Portable.ini).
Disconnect from internet if you have license problem.

70 commentaires:

Unknown said...

Sources code? :P

Bernat said...

You should have looked in Other before requesting.

Unknown said...

Sorry man. ;)

Unknown said...

Thank you!!!!!!

Unknown said...

nice :) btw, what's winapp2?

Bernat said...


Luis Sergio said...

This command can be used bernat?

File "/oname=$EXEDIR\${APPDIR}\CCleaner.dat" "CCleaner.dat"

Bernat said...

No such line in script.
Download latest.


Link Information:
Invalid link.
Kindly to update with new link

Bernat said...


Katalin Csángó said...

I don't know if it is up to ESET or Windows 10, but I can not install it.

Bernat said...

Tested on Windows 10 without AV

Paulo Afonso said...

Does anyone know why it takes to light the "Run Cleanup" button http://i.imgur.com/36KUBLt.jpg

Unknown said...

Check your file hosting next time and try to download file. OK.
(reupload to some normal hosting pls)

Bernat said...

No problem with JDownloader 2.

Σάββας said...

Avoid it, default settings logs off all accounts in Chrome. Crap! The program, not the blogger's work...

WolvenSpectre said...

The File host will not serve me the download and just keeps opening scam websites. Please move the hosting.

Bernat said...

Use JDownloader 2 or mirror.

aarv said...

the old link of winapp2 is redirect to github that make your installer cannot download
you should change the direct link on github

Bernat said...

Thanks for info and link.
Installer updated.

IsA Daysleeper said...

CCleanerPortable doesn't work on 32bit.
Please, check it and hand out a solution.
All others are working fine on 32bit.

Thankies. :)

Bernat said...

Tested working on Windows XP SP3 32 bit.

gh said...

Will not download. Get error message 'ccsetup540_pro.exe not found in C:\Users\xyz\Desktop and download: Redirection (301)'.
I downloaded setup file separately and it is 'ccsetup540pro.exe'.

Bernat said...

Downloading ccsetup540_pro.exe by installer tested working.
Just rename ccsetup540pro.exe in ccsetup540_pro.exe

Mauro said...

On my pc with windows 7 ultimate x64 is shown ccleaner free even having downloaded the pro. How do I proceed so that the pro version appears in the program window?
Thank you very much for your excellent work Bernat.

Bernat said...

Should be pro.
Check when CCleaner is running if you have CCleaner.dat in CCleaner folder.

Mauro said...

Ccleaner.dat only appears when the program is running being closed after it disappears.

Bernat said...

This is normal.
Check md5 of content of the folder:
a16739be4ef551df0be8164bcf977bf2 *CCleaner.exe
f30e7478f7964f02cca471409e339a72 *CCleaner64.exe
ac853780c0769e9bce0cffd8305c5cce *branding.dll
43f3299de6aa858dd915ffc677179355 *CCleaner.dat

Mauro said...

Everything checked and everything checks. Everything is alright.
Checked with Winmd5.
I'm getting confused lol.

Unknown said...

It's the first time after a long time that the program asks for a key. What's happening?

Mauro said...

So why on another machine with windows 7 ultmate x86 will the CCleaner.dat file remain active even after the program has been closed?
Since in this machine CCleaner works normally in the PRO version.

Bernat said...

Tested registered on Windows XP SP3 32 bit, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit and Windows 10 64 bit.
I can't solve a problem I can't reproduce.
Check CCleaner.dat remaining md5 to know if it is the one included in launcher.

sepa said...

I can’t download this app ever,these message appear to me



Bernat said...

Can you download ccsetup546_pro.exe?

sepa said...

No,I cann’t download it,so.........what is solution?
Cann’t me use CCleaner pro ever?

Bernat said...

Offline: CCleaner_Pro_Portable_5.46.6652_32-64_bit_Multilingual.exe

sepa said...

Thanks very much

Bernat said...

Offline added.

Bernat said...

Offline added.

Bernat said...

No idea.

sepa said...

Hi, The program does not work on windows 7 SP1 x86
the logo of the blog only appear, then nothing
the other portable of this program work well
I do not understand why?
I love this apps from your blog

Bernat said...

Tested working

sepa said...

I know it is working generally, but it does not work for me
The other portable of this app work fine
I am confused
http://www11.0zz0.com/2019/01/17/20/399884496.jpg From BALTAGY

http://www5.0zz0.com/2019/01/17/20/521597799.jpg From 6969

Bernat said...

Content of App\CCleaner should be:

Running CCleaner.exe should run unregistered and create CCleaner.ini

juantotal said...

Hi, The program does not work on windows 7 SP1 x86
the logo of the blog only appear, then nothing
the other portable of this program work well
I do not understand why?
It happens to me the same. To see if there is any solution, thanks

Bernat said...

I can't solve a problem I can't reproduce.
At least try the test above.

juantotal said...

Good, since the version 547. I stopped working, always waiting for a new version to fix it (Windows 7x 32 bits)
When I hit the initial EXE flashes the screen a few moments and nothing else .

Bernat said...

I think it is not a problem of portabilization: perhaps something missing in your system for latest version.
If you want to go back to v5.46 run online installer entering 546.

juantotal said...

If cancel the version.dll,(App\CCleaner ) the program works, less the cleanup, but fingering me active soon.
The key tells me it's invalid

Bernat said...

version.dll is a telemetry blocker that you can delete.
To be registered, just run CCleanerPortable.exe after deleting ccleaner.ini created by direct launch.

juantotal said...

Good, I don't end up working well.
But I appreciate your interest and your time on this issue.
Thank you

Sensei Fritz said...

Hi guys! I didn't know where i should ask. I cannot extract the portable apps with the installer anymore without the original setup file!!!! Is this normal now??? Usually i had nothing to do.... just download and start your great installers.... that was all. Now i have to search in the www for every single programm for the original installer. Without the portableappz-installer doesn't work. It stops and tells me there is no setup file found.

This problem happens with ALL installers from here, not only ccleaner. Help please.... thanks!!!

adolfo fereira said...

regards from Venezuela. in the last 2 versions you have left "580" as the number to be entered. have a good day.

Bernat said...

Hi Adolfo,
Thanks for reporting error.

bant said...

Error 403 Forbiden
the last version is 584

Bernat said...

Of course you have to enter: 584.
Thanks for reporting error.

Igor said...

CCleaner Portable not working with 5.85. Shows splash screen and then closes itself instantly. Reverted back to 5.84 and it's working again. Please take a look ;)

Bernat said...

Tested working.

Quan said...

License expired. Renew license required!
Please check. Thanks.

Bernat said...

Registered for me.
If you click License Information being connected to internet (hosts file no more efficient) you read Product Status Invalid Key.
Just disconnect from internet if you have problem.

ferpavao said...

License expired and reverted to free here. This has been happening since version 5.84 for me.

Bernat said...

hosts content updated.

Unknown said...

won't delete

Bernat said...

You are right, minor content.
Will be fixed when updated.

Peter Selie said...

Many thanks for the update, working fine like allways

Best regards

Lucius said...

on my laptop with win10, ccleaner 619 prof edition i don't have driver updater section. i have only 5 section, not 6. work fine for you?

Bernat said...

Normal: this is a very simplified version.
Missing all these files:
All these files have 32 and 64 bit version.
If you open ccsetup619pro.exe with 7-Zip and extract the biggest of the two CCleanerDU.dll files in App\CCleaner\ you will get Driver Updater button.

Lucius said...

yes, work fine. thanks for your support

MATOZ said...

Great job Bernat as always.
Where's on the portable setup process to get the Pro Plus version.
There's no listed.


Bernat said...

The Pro Plus is the Pro with Defraggler, Recuva and Speccy.
They are not integrated in CCleaner interface.

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